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ReMixer name: ScaryBinary

real name: Brant Stoner

email address: threestoners@yahoo.com

website: N/A (as far as music goes).

userid: None.

Name of game(s) ReMixed: Metroid

Name of individual song(s) ReMixed: Kraid's Chamber Name of Remix: Kraid Krunch

Comments: Metroid has always been my favorite NES game (I still have it and my NES...). The music is brilliant. The original Kraid's Chamber is still a fantastic piece, but I'm always interested in twisting things around a bit. While the original was haunting and melodic, my remix is upbeat but and groovy - but still has some nice throw-backs to the original. Hope you like my effort.

PS: Cool website, by the way!


nothing about the original comes in until 1:00. that's significant, considering the song is less than 3 minutes long.

Don't get me wrong, the groove is funky fresh and jumpin through flaming pants with a carton of dope-cheese. However i feel like the original is just pasted on top of the groove. try to make the original more relevant. some more expansion couldnt hurt. the weak ending is...weak.



Good job adjusting the 3/4 melody to fit the 4/4 groove. I pretty much agree with everything that's been said already. The ending... didn't even happen actually, the source doesn't enter until almost one third of the way through the song and when it does, IT'S NOT VERBATIM since the meter has been altered BUT it's not significantly expanded upon otherwise. I liked the section beginning at 1:51 and the melodic stuff at 2:24. There are many fun ideas in this mix but at two minutes and fourty seven seconds it makes very little use of the source. Had it been longer I think you could have further developed the source material enough to make this passable. Definitely above "form letter quality" in my book.


PS: Your last name isn't really "STONER" is it? If it is, then that's awesome! 8)


This sounds way too crunchy and thin in the production department. For a groove oriented mix, that better be done well. The groove also better be hot. This doesn't have any hooks for me, sorry to say. The synths playing the lead and everything else not only sound poor, but overly crunchy. Not only does this need more compositional expansion, but it needs more compositional elements. This is very shallow in that regard.

Good ideas here and there, but you gotta present them better bro. This needs a lot of work in my view, both in composition and production. Ending was also unsatisfying.

Keep working at it and feel free to post your mixes in our WIP/Completed forum for more feedback in the future.


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