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Email sub file The Guardian Legend - Fleepa's Paradise.mp3

Hello, my name is Richard J Suru. I am submitting a song from the game known as, "The Guardian Legend." The song is called Fleepa's Paradise. I remade this song from scratch. I used sonar cakewalk and reason. It is a very good remake from its original version.


TGL. YEszzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Before I get started, I'd like to quote something that I feel dances the line between cute and audacious: "It is a very good remake from its original version."

Let me first, extole the virtues of why this claim is true. You have a very nice epic sound with the baseline (strings + drums) And a very interesting take on the theme

And now, let us discuss why this mix is, shall we say, somewhat lacking.

Firstly, it is quite repetitious. You have one large chunk of remix, and that chunk replays ad nauseum, sans variation. The main leads are too weak to hold up the rather bold structure of the song. Couple all these threads in a somewhat boring and predictable loom, and you've got a song that, while earnest in its intentions, isn't really going anywhere exciting.


- remix for variety and excitement. Think of music as fine dining at True of the Four Seasons, not heatlamp'd Chicken Fries. Intricacy! Delicacy! Friccasse!

-Balance out your leads. Make them as full as your bass and drums

-remix nothing but TGL. I command it.


This sounds more like a techno mix than an orchestral one. It's so repetitive. The orchestral motifs are very simple as well. The same instrumentation dots the entire mix without any instrumental change, compositional evolution or dynamic shifts. The snare line is ridiculously repetitive. At least change it once in a while with some rolls or rhythmic changes. Production wise, I think this needs more high end. It sounds a little "dull." Consider some light boosts in the 8, 10 and 16 Khz ranges. Some conservative boosts in those regions would help this mix a lot. Finally the entire concept is incomplete and unfulfilled considering its short length and repetition.


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