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  • 4 weeks later...

I don't really have anything bad to say about what you've done here, but it just doesn't really go anywhere. I feel like this should be building up to something but it just kinda goes along at the same pace and then suddenly fades out.

I think you've got a solid base here but really we're looking for something a bit more developed. There's plenty of room to build on what you've got here. It sounds like you could very easily make this twice as long and much more exciting.

No problems really with the production, but there's much more potential for the arrangement.

NO, but plz resubmit

  • 3 weeks later...

Very pretty song here. I like the percussion ideas you've brought here. Strings backing was also very nice.

To add to what Cain said, this sticks very close to the source and would be too conservative of a mix for our standards. See if you can bring some more personalization beyond the percussion. Also, try to develop your mix further to give some more interest to the track, for example in dynamics, more changeups, etc.

Good base here, and a pleasant listen, but needs some more development.

No, resubmit please

Edit: Also, would need an original title for future reference.


gonna have to agree with my fellow J's here. I think this is a great foundation, but it feels a lot more like a early sketch or concept than a fully realized song. seems like you took a pretty minimalist approach by intention, which can work, but even in that case, the song is still quite short and too conservative to fly on OCR as it is. you got the chops, so I hope to hear an expanded, more interpretive resubmission of this, or some more subs from you sometime. :)


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