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Looking for a guitarist (electric, lead+rhythm) for various arrangements

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Hi everyone!

I currently have several mixes (mostly rock and metal) on my plate that need some live electric guitars. I'm looking for someone who would be able to do rhythm and lead recordings. Some of them may have some speedy riffs, so I'm looking for people with a bit of experience.

If you are interested in giving me some help, reply here or send me a PM with some examples of your work.

Thanks! :)

(I'm also looking for a lyricist, if anyone's interested. Just in case.)

*psst* I'm a singer. Can't play guitar for shit, though. >.>

Dude, not trying to minimod here, but this is pretty obnoxious. I understand you're trying to get vocal work, but why bother even posting if you're just going to say you have nothing to offer for guitar and then whisper for work he's not looking for? C'mon man.


Hey. I'm down for any guitars. I've been playing for 9 years, in various styles.





You name it.

I'm happy to play whatevs. If you're looking for more metal. Then here's a link to my last DoD Entry.


That will give you a close representation at some of the stuff I can play.

Though, that arrangement was a bit more relaxed.

Plus you can see my WIP for the TMNT project on the KNGI forums. So there's that too.

Happy hunting. Good luck finding someone.

Dude, not trying to minimod here, but this is pretty obnoxious. I understand you're trying to get vocal work, but why bother even posting if you're just going to say you have nothing to offer for guitar and then whisper for work he's not looking for? C'mon man.

He also mentioned he was looking for a lyricist. Singing usually goes along with lyrics.


Dude. Those riffs are sick!

I was practicing all last night to nail the rhythm section.

I've recorded down some Rhythm Tracks. I actually record Three Rhythm tracks when I do Metal.

So it's up to you. I pan two at 80% their respective sides and one in the center.

I'm gonna go learn the leads! :D I can't wait!

- Callum

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