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The eagle screeches are a little over-used. I'd drop one of them, like the one at the end.

It's a rather straight composition. It needs a bit more "western" flavor. I'd suggest hitting up as much old and modern western music as you can find. The actual playing is fine, but the composition is just... kind of flat.

It doesn't really feel western at all. It's got a guitar, yeah, but that doesn't make it western. It needs more of that very distictive western movie soundtrack feel to it.


It needs a guitar plucking/fingerpicking the bassline. I think it could start slower/quieter then grow into what you have now. Also, you may want to include a solo, because it seems fairly close to source in the arrangement. Just some thoughts, I love how you use your guitars and I like the maraca, as well as the general feel of the song. But to make it more western, try my suggestions above.


Mixing sounds off and messy. EQ and mix volumes and other such things to get a clearer soundscape to clear up some of this mud. Its quite noticeable with the sound effects, so I would just take a whole bunch of those out; maybe one or two tops.

I agree with what The Damned said about arrangement; just youtube western songs and i'm sure you'll get plenty of songs to work off of.

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