djpretzel Posted September 15, 2005 Posted September 15, 2005 Mellow, yet playful... like Wingless' mom. - djp LT Edit - Original Decision: Remixer name: GaMeBoX Real name: Steve Olofsson Email: Game remixed: Mega Man 2 Songs remixed: Ending Theme + Credits Theme/IntroScreen Theme Name of remix: The Fifth Season LINK:
The wingless Posted September 23, 2005 Posted September 23, 2005 MORELIEK I GET EQUIPPED WITH ITEM 3, PRETZEL'S MOM Right off the bat, I like the sparse, squarey-triangly groove of the piece. It reminds me a bit of the Katamari soundtracks that pay homage to the old school with new world technologies. GameBox keeps it light and airy with an odd... sentimentality? I don't know, but it has a definite emotional slant to it, which is nice. And some very nice, unique transitions. I think I'm most impressed with the arrangement. It's airy and clean without sounding too sparse. There's just the right amount of *stuff* to get you going to the next *stuff*. ...think about it YES
Liontamer Posted September 26, 2005 Posted September 26, 2005 - Tracks 22 (Ending) & 23 (Credits 1) Heh. Cool intro with the occasional SFX. Nice belltone-ish stuff at :18. Still waiting for the source tune after this extended intro. Here it was at :55 with the Ending theme. Source tune is rather low in volume at 1:13, the whole way through, but it's audible and my gripe's more on personal preference. Melody some liberal turns. At 1:33, I unfortunately don't recognize that as being from the game. Nice lo-fi transition at 1:58, though the sounds chosen were kind of thin. Nice work at 2:09 moving to a new section playing the Credits 1 theme on that pad along with that percussion. Still sounding rather sparse, but I'm slowly coming around to Wingless's asessment that there's enough going on. The banjo at 3:23 really wasn't my cup of tea, but it was a good idea to change up the flow. Decent stuff at 3:42 going for a sound that reminds me of COUCOU's Puzzle Bobble mix, "Silver Dragon's Bubbles." Good stuff for the last section closing with the fadeout ending. My vote was a little difficult, because I could always envision more going on here. The percussion patterns in particular should have had more variation, but the other elements were strong and there was always a great deal of evolution in the arrangement. The sparseness is an idea that normally misses, but the atmosphere here was strong. Well put-together and good work, Steve. Glad to see you submit some material our way. Been a fan of Metroid "Drifting in a Kelp Sea" for quite a while. YES
Vig Posted September 26, 2005 Posted September 26, 2005 the pads provide a beautiful contrast to the harsh groove when they come in. the song does a suprising job of coming up with rich texture using simple sounds. I find myself wanting more in lots of places. the arrangement isnt terribly well developed. However the production and concept are quite solid, so I'll give it a borderline YES
The Orichalcon Posted September 29, 2005 Posted September 29, 2005 We start out with a nice basic groove and bassline. The mix stays pretty basic most of the way through. I'm having the same trouble as Larry in that the melody is kind of quiet as it's brought in. Overall the mix is very thin. Along with the others, I'm expecting more to be happening in the mix. The pads are very quiet in the background compared to the beat. We build up a little more after 3:00. The banjo gives the mix a "Spyro the Dragon" sound in my opinion. Gives it a step up. The arrangement is, well, minimalist. There's not a lot there outside the punchy drums. But what is there is enjoyable to listen to. I'm the opposite of Larry in the sense that I feel the banjo is what ended up saving the mix. When the credits music comes in at 0:55, it's quiet but it works as a minimalist groove. Not sure what that twittering sound is in the background from 1:13, but it's strange and unique. I like it. The fadeout at the end of the mix wasn't what I was hoping for. Taking the groove out and perhaps letting the banjo or one of the other instruments take the mix to the end might have worked better. While I feel that this could have been brought out a little better, there's nothing here to really push the mix into the "no" zone. The way it's put together is enjoyable and flowing, and just sneaks over the line for a fourth yes. YES
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