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Oh yeah, these noises sound like DAW default noises. Get some reverb in there, and later today, I'll link you to some awesome drums if I can find the link to them.

The fusion you have going on needs some more depth to it. From the sounds of it you only have about 2 sounds and drums going simultaenously. It needs to sound fuller. The idea is awesome, the execution, not so much.


I like where this is going, but it definitely needs some work.

As previously stated, the piece needs some humanization. The guitars in the beginning need some variation, as well as some reverb. Those kicks get a little scattered too. For something with a little more punch to it, try some layering, mess with the EQ and volume and see what you like.

This is a nice direction you're going with this song. It's been a while since I've heard an arrangement of Gerudo Valley. The synths seem fine to me, just the execution needs a bit of work.

Keep going though, I'd love to hear this one finished.


This definitely feels like a good start to something. My initial reaction was that the beginning part (up til about 1:04) sounded almost too lo-fi for what came after it. It has a solid build up, and some good effects when it gets there, but it does seem like it would benefit from some additional flourishes and maybe a little more attention paid to the initial lead in.


The drop is very smoothly executed, which I like. I like how the bass changed up a bit after it. Progression is always nice!

Before that though, the synths—like people have already mentioned—need work. It all sounds too dry with no variation.

I also noticed this weird nuance with the very first guitar: every two beats or so, it dipped a bit in volume, and it wasn't very pleasant to listen to, right off the bat.

Also, everything seems to be relatively in the front, and there is little to no panning going on—this just adds to the dryness. The background is like, completely empty. Add some little arps here and there.

This has potential! Keep at it


Ah man, default FL guitars? Haha. Sequencing guitar is... fucking hard, man. There's WAY too much humanization involved with guitars, I usually just stay away from sequencing them altogether. That being said, there's a bunch of guitarists here on OCR that I'm sure would be willing to help if you develop the idea a little more.

Love those bitcrushed basses dude :D

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