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*NO* Secret of Evermore 'Tripping Podunk'

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I, composerzane, made this remix in about 4-5 hours. It's based on the introductory music of the game, which I believe is called Introduction (I don't have the soundtrack). However, the mix only utilizes the opening piano part and the string part (now synths, with some changes) and uses that as the backdrop for a ambi-trance(?!)-ish offering. Jeremy Soule is the man.

Secret of Evermore "Tripping Podunk" OC ReMix composerzane composerzane@hotmail.com SNES, 1995, Squaresoft, Jeremy Soule Zane Ball

I made this in commemoration 10 year anniversary of the game! Rep the states, G.


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hmm..this track sounds somehow thin. the middle frequencies seem very empty. i would also suggest that the song takes entirely too long to get going. it's awfully repetitive. there are no real changeups. I like that you're building and adding slowly, but it's too slow. in 5 minutes, it doesnt build up enough, and then it just ends. build more, build faster, and then play around with dynamics.



That initial panning and filter effect on the piano, I'm not too sure about. It might have worked once or twice, but it's a very slow build up to the meat of the piece. You add a very thin lead at 0:35 and bring in light hi-hat hits soon after, the mix begins its major build up after a whopping 1:52 and when we should have built up to a really meaty section, we instead get a break from the beat. The mix pretty much continues this jabby synth and basic beat with thin synths playing in the mid-foreground up until the end.

The quality of the mix is all right in that nothing is too loud, no clipping or unnecessary distortion. The problem here is everything sounds too flat, and there are no major changes for the entire mix. The beat is rather basic in itself, consisting mainly of the hihat hits and a very soft kick and snare hit.

As Vig said, this one needs a better buildup, a more refined sound, and certainly more work with the dynamics. Rather than a long and continuously repetative sounding mix that doesn't go anywhere, this type of mix needs to build up to something that will really grab the listeners attention.



http://snesmusic.org/spcsets/soe.rsn - "Introduction" (soe-02.spc)

Basic piano coverage of the original. The piano sounds too lo-fi thanks to the effects you're using on it. Electrosynth comes in at :36 and the synth is too loud; the combination of lo-fi piano and that synth just isn't working. It makes it seem like there's a sound quality disparity.

Some sparse beatwork joined in at 1:51, but didn't really anything meaningful to the picture. There are some other synths in play attempting to do some weird modulation effects around the 2 minute mark, but you can't really hear them well.

Decent change in the feel at 2:29 by dropping out the beats and adding some other weird synths on top. Beats returned at 3:07 with a different pattern. The track really has some disparity in the sound quality and texture of the piano vs. the synths. When the track is particularly busy, a lot of the sounds just smoosh together, making things fairly indistinguishable.

3:45 had some cooler stuff going, dropping down the piano and focusing on the electronic sounding stuff. I liked the ideas in that last section more. Still though, the arrangement has a lot of fat. You've got some good ideas for the source tune, but the track just drags on for too long, and really does need more dynamic contrast like Vig mentioned.

This turned out better than many tracks we receive on the panel, but this would need a ton of work to pass, Zane, so I'd suggest moving onto new things. Check out the ReMixing forum for help with your overall production, and be sure to use the Works forum to get fan feedback before future submissions.



I actually liked the piano moving back and forth. It's definitely not realistic, but it instantly reminds me of music conveying the crashing of waves. I didn't think the synth was loud on my side. Larry, I think it's cause your monitoring equipment might be overly trebled. ;) But I do agree the textures and combinations of these instruments don't really gel. The lead is also very very thin sounding. I really liked the bending of your synths though - it added an ominous quality that I enjoyed.

I'd like to hear more expansion here, more evolution, whether it be more dynamic contrast or rhythmic contrast, especially with the piano.

I think I enjoyed this one a lot more than the other judges, I personally think there's a lot of promise here with a lot of work. I dug the concept, but the execution and production hold this back. NO

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