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Contact Info

Remixer Name - DJ Riott

Real Name - David Marriott

Email address - david_dude_22@hotmail.com

My website - http://www.acidplanet.com/dj_riott

User ID - DJ Riott

ReMix Info

Name of Game Remixed - Harvest Moon

Individual Song - Maria's Theme (Church)

Original Soundtrack - http://www.vgmusic.com/music/console/nintendo/snes/HM_-_Maria's_Song.mid

I never played Harvest Moon growing up, and wasn't even introduced to the game until this last year. What I discovered was a solid and catchy soundtrack to the game. I checked OC and alas, there was nothing! I took it upon myself to give one of these tracks an upgrade. If anything, for my personal listening pleasure. Maria's theme was my choice, because I love Happy Music! I made it my goal to keep that emotion present throughout the entire mix. I didn't want to distract the listener with over zealous drum beats, or bore them with a drawn out trance piece, so I kept it short and sweet. I hope you enjoy it, thank you.


a little simplistic. you've got the beat, you've got the melody, and the syncopated rhythm section. there's not a lot of layering or interplay between the instruments. on top of that it's repetitive. think more about depth and texture.



Thankyou for providing the source.

First thing that stands out for me here is how the rhythm to this piece is rather loud when compared to the lead in the start of the mix. In terms of production, that's the only really nagging thing standing out to me. The hat hits later on are sharp and a little overbearing as well. The beats in general are very nice, though I think the snare/clap is a little blunt and dull for the set. The synths used are all right too. The bassline is a little basic, hitting on every offbeat.

The arrangement here is the interesting part. The mix feels dysfunctional, like nothing is really fitting together terribly well. The leads put an interesting spin on the source material, and it's referred to enough that it's not a problem. The mix just doesn't feel cohesive, as in nothing really jumps out to grab your attention. While the lead used in the middle of the piece up to the end sounds nice, it doesn't sound like it's fitting in with the instruments around it, and rather just hitting random notes to stay in key with the bassline.

It's an interesting sound, good quality, but it's too dysfunctional to work for me. Like mixing lego with blocko, doesn't quite fit together.



http://snesmusic.org/spcsets/bmg.rsn - "Church" (bmg-06.spc)

Liking the fade-in idea. Some decent stuff on the lead sound from :12-:27, but I really felt the lead for the melody at :30 was a weak sound choice. TO's right that the beats and rhythm stuff are way too loud.

All that drops out at :56 to change the feel. Some of the electrosynths in here are nothing but generic and sound lame. Gonna take a Herculean effort to get all this stuff resulting in a good texture, because I though the sound combinations didn't click at all, like Vig and TO mentioned.

While there were some other decent sounds in play, some sound choices were bland, and the sound balance was way off. Percussion added at 1:48 was way too loud again for no real reason. I liked the syncopation at 1:32, if that means anything.

There's the attempt the change up the feel here with some sounds dropping out on occasion (e.g. :56, 2:11), but overall, the arrangement was pretty straightforward. Gotta agree with TO that nothing grabbed the attention of the listener here. The melody's not particularly good, though you certainly tried to play around with things. Hate to say it, David, but just not an interesting or cohesive track. Hopefully your future stuff will be stronger.



I didn't find the beats that overbearing on my end. The hats did cut through though. But certainly that aspect could be brought down a little bit to sit in the mix a bit better. The leads usually were fairly dry and upfront too, and they were able to cut through the density of the mix, though in this case there wasn't much density.

I'd definitely like to hear more supporting material here. Something to sit under the lead and beats more. A nice soft pad on the lower and mid octaves would settle in this mix nicely as a supporting material. The synths to be honest, I didn't find all that interesting. They were pretty basic, in sonic terms and in execution.

Underdeveloped and more importantly very abrupt fade out ending didn't help much in my view. If you're gonna use a fade out, it needs to be better thought out and more gradual. Not bad at all, it's a fun mix, but this needs quite a bit of work at this point. Keep at it. Better luck next time. NO

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