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*NO* Xenogears 'Experiment with Sea and Fire'

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Contact Info:

- Name: PhantomSnake

- Real name: Tom Voros

- Email address: phantomsnake@gmail.com

- Website: http://phantomsnake.nhforums.com/

- Userid: 28984

Experiment with Sea and Fire

remix of

Xenogears - Bonds of Sea and Fire

Hey all,

This is my first submission to OCR and the second remix I've ever completed (although I've been playing around with music composition for years). I tried some new stuff in this piece. The time signature was changed from the

3/4 in the original to 4/4. I'm not exactly sure what genre to place this remix in!

Hope you like it,



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cool idea. there are also come interesting effects used. I want to hear more dynamically, though. The instrumentation and the mood stays the same throughout. i want to hear a little more tension at times. right now the song is fairly flat. there's no climax. add one.



Source: http://www.vgmusic.com/music/console/sony/ps1/bonds.mid - Bonds of Sea and Flames

That electric snare is the stuff right there. Great choice. The kick could be a little less scratchy. The overall quality of the mix is pretty good. The rhodes/EP in the background get a little overbearing towards the middle of the mix, they're drowning out the lead. The overall sound of the mix is pretty flowing and smooth, no real issues beyond what's already mentioned.

The arrangement is pretty good too. You've taken a chill style of mix and represented it well. Like Vig said though, the mix keeps the flat and low sound throughout the entire 4 and a half minutes. It needs to build up somewhere to give the mix some dynamics. The lead chosen was good, but it needs to switch up to something else that isn't a synth on occasion to give a bit of variety to what we're listening to. There are some good breaks in here, and a lot of clever ideas that are mixed up well. With a bit of extra work on the sound and dynamics of the mix, you could have a very enjoyable site-worthy mix going right here.

If you're willing to try adding some more things to the mix and giving it that extra edge, then this would be a more than welcome resub.



http://www.tzone.org/~llin/psf/packs2/Xenogears_psf.rar - 103 "Bonds of Sea & Fire"

Some basic sounds are in play here, but produced well they can still work. Those repetitive, plain jane beats starting at :17 REALLY have to go. Do something more creative with them than the occasional offbeat, because they do a bad job of filling out the track and driving it forward.

Rhodes stuff at 1:24, yes? Finally something changes with the beatwork at 1:42 as we get into a faster-paced section. BAH, the new pattern just starting repeating too much TOO. Then the same old cruddy pattern returned at 2:01. Break section at 2:18; drum pattern returns and retreads itself at 2:35. Listening though the rest of the track, nothing particulalrly interesting was going on.

Ironically enough, there were much of the same issues here as in the Battle of Olympus mix I just judged. You have a track with a monophonic lead that's just not getting any support due to sparse and repetitive support instrumentation. I appreciate the attempt at making something that's supposed to have a dope groove, but you didn't actually supply the dope groove, leaving the track as just plodding.

The arrangement was ok, but you need more going on. Fill out the track with fuller sounds or more instruments, put more creativity into the percussion, and bring dynamics into the picture through any number of variation-providing ideas. Get more ideas and criticisms for your work via the ReMixing and Works forums here, and try to improve.



I like this. It's very catchy. I like how the concept was executed. It's a very enjoyable and accessible quality to it. As noted above, like the others, I want to hear some sort of evolution here. I think you can incorporate some rhythmic changes with the instruments playing a supporting role. I like your choice of synths in this context, but I do agree they are a bit thin, especially when there's a lot of instances where there's not much going on in the mix. Sometimes it's just the thin lead and bass with nothing else. Consider adding a pad or strings to help fill things out more.

Being a huge xenogears fan and extremely familiar with the source (even tried to arrange it once) - I think I appreciate the work here a bit more than the others. I'm at the brink of giving this a yes, but I want to hear some of the concerns I laid out, as well as the others addressed. Please consider working on this more and resubmitting.

Borderline NO.

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