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Hi, I have some remixes ready for submission. This is my first submission, so here's my info:

ReMixer name: Aaron Burr

Real name: Aaron Burr

Email address: aburr918@hotmail.com

Website: http://www.aaronburrdesign.com

Userid: 32992

Name of game(s): Uniracers, Mega Man X,

Killer Instinct

Name of individual song(s): Uniracers Main Theme, Sting Chameleon, KI

Main Theme in B Minor

Links to the Remixes:

My comments:

For these songs I used the program MixCraft for recording and mixing. The instruments you hear (rythm and lead guitar, bass) were all played by myself, however, for the synthesized drums I used a program called Hammerhead. I chose these particular songs to remix because I thought they were guitar friendly, and when played live, just sounded cool. The video game versions, compared to my remixes, are a bit tame in my opinion, which is why I opted for a grittier sound.

The major difference between my version of the Killer Instinct theme and the original is that I switched from E minor to B minor. This was actually an accident, but I decided to stick with it for originality.


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Don't sub 3 tracks at once, bro.

Submission Instructions & Standards[/url'>]Only submit one ReMix at a time. If you have several ready, choose what you believe to be the best. Wait three weeks between submissions. Only submit your best material - if you are still very unsure about a submission, chances are it will not be accepted, and this will delay our re-evaluation should you choose to work further on it and resubmit.

http://snesmusic.org/spcsets/unir.rsn - "Title" (unir-01.spc)

Um...well, it's not often we get submissions from someone named after an American Vice-President (go learn something, kids). Anyway, Uniracers is acually pretty popular with many guitarists in the scene due to already sounding like a rock-style track, so to be honest I've heard way better remixes than this. Stuff from IronMix Challenge, for one.

Immediately, you can hear the recording is poor quality. At :14, the cymbals are really loud, and they don't stop, with some gratuitous loud shots. Melody comes in at :38, but the guitar doesn't sounds clear at all vs. the other instruments. The sound balance is legitimately awful, so the production ruins what could otherwise be a decent performance. Sequenced drums just loop like nobody's business. Just a cover, no rearrangement whatsoever.



the guitars arent sharp enough in the mix, and the drums are sequenced poorly. not only is the beat repetitive and boring, the cymbal hits arent quantized, and they clip. I cant really look beyond these points, but the arrangement appears to be repetitive too.



What? There are 2 seconds of recording noises at the start of the track, guitars sound like static, drums are repetitive, horribly mixed and badly sequenced and the arrangement is nonexistent. The solo guitar is decent I suppose but this is simply a poor cover.

I checked your other two tracks as well and both have similar issues with the addition of even more clipping. Hit the ReMixing forum for some help cleaning up your sound and keep practicing.



Love the source for this, first time I've even heard of Uniracers, very cool.

Onto the mix. The blank noise at the beginning of the mix can be chopped off in a wave editing program. The rhythm guitar to this is pretty sloppy. The cymbal hit is way too loud and piercing. It sounds like there's some creative guitar playing hidden in the background underneath all this noise. I really recommend getting your production issues down and taken care of before considering a mix "Finished" so to say.

As Harmony suggested, have a look around the remixing forum. Also if possible, post your mixes up in the Work in Progress forum to get help and opinions on them from other mixers.


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