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*NO* Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow 'Inner Quarters'

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im new to your site and want to release my first remix :)

So this is the info:

ReMixer name: Eternal Sound Operation (ESO)

Real Name: Dominik Guender

Email: admin@nilenia.de

Website: http://www.herzenslicht.net (German site tho)

Forums UserID: 32595

Forums Username: ESO

Name Of Game: Castlevania - Aria of Sorrow

Name Of Song: Inner Quarters

Original Composer: Michiru Yamane

Publisher: Konami

Release Date: May 7th, 2003

Platform: Gameboy Advance

Soundarchive is attached as MIDI file

I have zipped it to avoid your player to start playing instead of downloading the file. I usually do this that way i hope this is nP

Thanks alot, i hope you'll enjoy the mix and judge it as "ok for the website" =)

Many greetz from germany


Eternal Sound Operation


hmm...the rhythm section is quite repetitive. the structure is somewhat monotonous. low brass/string hits get quite tired. the form repeats a few times when the drums are the only thing that changes. there's very little going on harmonically.

needs more depth and expansion.



Over-reliance on reverb here. Everything has reverb on it from what I can tell. Generally groove beats don't need such a wet reverb on them.

My main issue the extreme over-reliance on the strings as the main instrument in every part of the mix. It's used as the lead in the main groove sections as well as the jabs backing the piano up in the interlaying sections. As far as I can tell there's no work on changing the volume/velocities of the string notes, they're all playing at the same level all the way through the mix.

There's dissonance with some of those brass jabs too backing up the strings in some sections (for example 1:27) It sounds like they're hitting the wrong note or it's just not a very precise soundfont.

Overall, the mix is basically the same 40 seconds repeated over and over for 5 minutes. A groove in the middle of the mix isn't enough to save a complete lack of arrangement throughout the mix.

Since you're new to the site, you can get help with remixing and getting a feel for the standards of the site in the ReMixing forum. Also available is the Work in progress forum where you can post remixes you're working on and get feedback from the forum members.

Welcome to the site, do stick around. This particular remix however is still a long way off from making it in terms of the quality and arrangement we're after.



http://www.zophar.net/gsf/cvaos_gsf.rar - 08 "Inner Quarters"

Sounds like a straightforward orchestrated cover with some mechanical-sounding strings, very ill-fitting/pasted-on percussion, and some occasional non sequitur scratching effects. Sounds like a track with an identity crisis, particularly with these beats just slapped on. Not even named differently than the source tune.

Beyond :37, the effort was phoned in, just repeating everything all over again several times. It's boring as hell in the long-run just looping the track exactly like the original did. Nothing particularly creative. Weak take on otherwise cool source material.



The big reverb doesn't bother me much in this context. It reminds me of a lot of classical music recorded in European halls. A lot of tchaikovsky recordings for example are this deep/wet. Though I agree the groove is overly wet. That should be a lot more upfront and sparkly.

The arrangement is alright. I think this needs to be a lot less straightforward, and as mentioned by others it seems to just repeat the same motif over and over and over. Try to change up things, evolve the concept over time. The rhythm by the cello/double bass does get a bit too redundant, I agree. I'd also like to hear some evolution in the instrumentation as this progresses. Throw in some brass, woodwinds, synth...something. Keep working at it and definitely use our WIP/Completed forum for getting more feedback before submitting. Better luck next time.


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