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OCR01422 - *YES* Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker 'Hyrule Wimbledon'

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Seems quite cool to me, just not as familiar as I should be with the original - djp

"Hyrule Wimbledon"

So the other day I got a call from Ganon saying that he'd need a fresh and spicy new theme for the annual tennis match against Link. I came up with this. I don't know if it's what he wanted, but at least I got a hundred rupees and a piece of a heart container out of it.

  • 2 weeks later...

http://snesmusic.org/spcsets/loz3.rsn - "Battle with Ganon" (loz3-28.spc)

The Legend of Zelda ~Takt of Wind~ Original Sound Tracks - 204 "Phantom Ganon"

Kunal mentioned to me that this was also from Zelda 3 when I asked him about the source tune information. He wants it to be attributed to Zelda: Wind Waker, though this initially sounded more overtly like the Zelda 3 tune. The connections with the Wind Waker material are definitely there though, as Phantom Ganon's is a rearrangement of LoZ3's Battle of Ganon. Both are mentioned here for reference.

Good, jazzy opening. Kunal really has everything on point per the usual. Very nice and expressive. Nice brass. The one MAJOR hit on it is the sax that comes in at :48. The way it's used and the way it sounds are...eww. :'-( I like the phrasing, but irregardless of the sample quality, the sax doesn't sound as humanly played or expressive as the rest of the instrumentation. Unfortunately sticks out like a sore thumb admist all the other material involved whenever it's in play. I'd beg Anthony Lofton with the dolla$ for a stylish live recording!

In any case, the arrangement is well-varied and very creative, while the overall production is smooth and top-flight. Nice work with the bassline, BTW, since you had to take care of it yourself for this one. I thought the last section was just gonna repeat itself, but there was at least some subtle variation there, even if it could have gone in some other directions.

Really wouldn't mind some tips being given for the faux-sax from DarkeSword, or the sax being improved before this is posted, but even if not, this was too solid of an arrangement to NO on those grounds. Nice work flying solo, Kunal!



Well this mix is all about the arrangement really. It's not my type of music, but it oozes unconventional creativity. The percussion has a realistic room reverb on it, but it doesn't feel like the piano and sax have the same level of reverb, make it sound a little too obvious exaggerated. But it's nothing serious.

The arrangement is all over the place, but it keeps on flowing along, never really stumbling or losing focus on the melody. The piano and bass plod along with those jazzy chords and offbeat notes respectively. The sax sounds realistic enough and I love the buildup around 0:45, it really gets the mix kicking.

In the end there's nothing wrong so to say with the mix. The arrangement is unconventional and creative. It's something I wouldn't be comfortable with discouraging, so to say. A lot of people would find enjoyment in the type of mix. And with respect to the source material(s), it's a creative lounge-music take on it which never really errs from the focus at any point.

Too difficult to describe. In other words, I can't find a reason to no this.



Kunal sent me a revised version with some additional mastering work he had meant to do before he submitted the track. This version features better room reverb/atmosphere, and the sax sample is not longer bone dry. The arrangement content is unchanged, and the link is updated in the submission letter. Everything sounds even stronger, IMO.


This is hot stuff. I dont mind the sax at all, in fact, the phrasing is pretty damn good. the groove is tight, the production is super-crisp. The solos stand out, the arrangement is always presenting something new.

altogether a very well-constructed piece.



Love it. From the classic piano breaks at 1:04 and 3:14, to the subtle accent of the claves and cowbell from 1:36-2:00, this bubbles over with jazzy Afro-Cuban flare. The drums and bass are rock-solid, especially the bass-work from 3:03-3:13. To nit-pick, I would say though that the global reverb strikes me as a little excessive. I think some of this mix seems to lose a bit of presence as a result (e.g. piano at 0:27, brass at 3:17). In this newest version, the sax does fit quite nicely with the rest of the elements and is skillfully sequenced IMO.

Excellent work all around. Congratulations on crafting such a creatively arranged, enjoyable mix.


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