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remixer name: ArKane

real name: José María Méndez

Sonic & Knuckles ReMix:

ok, this is my second attempt at making a decent remix of a song, The first one was a bit repetitive, and this time i´ve tried my best to make it more varied.

..i don´t know the exact name of the original song, i think it is from a boss battle....

anyway, i love it so i decided to make my own version. hope you like it!


Ah! the loudness and the harshness of teh instruments!

somewhere around :45 it sounds like there's a lead guitar somewhere in the back but i can barely hear it.

you seriously need to adjust the instrument balance, and you also ought to boost the low end. The track is very topheavy.

as for arrangement, you've got a couple cool ideas, but i'd like to hear even more dynamic contrast.



http://www.zophar.net/gym/SK+SONIC3.RAR - 30 "The Doomsday Zone 2 (Final Boss)"

Yeah, Harmony and I were listening to the track while chatting. I thought it was a cool track, but the sound balance was terrible on all fronts. Yeah, there's indeed some guitar-esque stuff in there that you can't hear at all that needs to be punched up.

I liked the piano intro, but right at :21 was where everything went awry. I agree that there could/should be more dynamic contrast over the course of the track. Everything here is just loud and abrasive. Nonetheless, it's still a pretty good live cover concept for the melody, plus you finally went the rearrangement route at 1:00, which was very welcome. Sound balance still needs tons of work. The drums are boring as hell at 1:20. Add some creative fills or something to the picture.

Back into the cover stuff at 1:38, and the levels are nasty. Some more arrangement ideas from 1:47-1:56 before the chorus. The close at 2:27 was odd with those keyboard chords. Didn't sound quite right. You've definitely got the right idea on the arrangement side, but the production is ass. If you can refine things there, José, this would be a winner. Along with the advice of other Js, get help from the ReMixing & Works forums and resub.

NO (resubmit)


Love the source tune, cool boss music.

Onto the mix. I'm not digging the piano at the beginning. The effects over it don't work too well, I think bringing back some of the dry sound would work better.

There are some cool ideas in this. Overall it flows pretty smoothly, and with some better production I could see this making a suitable replacement track. Your rock drumwork is very good, great breaks, great programming, you know your stuff. The actual sound of the drums is a little basic, I think it could fare well with a crunchier and crisper sound compared to the rest of the mix.

The synth lead in this sound like it's been compressed too much. It needs to be crisper and less hissy, so to say.

There's not much more to say that hasn't already be said. I agree that this is enjoyable to listen to in terms of arrangement, and definately works well as a remix, it just needs to be mastered better. More dynamic contrast, as Vig said, should take care of the flat and "loud" sound the mix has.



Very top heavy indeed. Everything comes off as lo-fi sounding and the synth and leads sound really harsh. It's a neat arrangement and some good ideas are presented, but the execution is lacking. I also feel it's a bit underdeveloped conceptually, with a rushed ending to boot.

I'd like to hear you work on this more as it has potential. Keep working at it. I'm looking forward to hearing more from you. NO

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