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OCR02615 - *YES* Legend of Dragoon & Xenosaga 'Unbreakable Heart'

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Contact Information

Your ReMixer name: Dj Mystix, Princess Clairey

Your real name Mansoor Nazar, Claire Yaxley

Your userid 11757 (DjMystix), 47187 (Princess Clairey)

Submission Information:

Name of game(s) arranged: XenoSaga (Epsiode 1) / Legend of Dragoon / Xenoblade / Super Street Fighter II

Name of arrangement: Unbreakable Heart

Name of individual song(s) arranged:

XenoSaga - Episode 1: kokoro

Legend of Dragoon : If you still believe

Xenoblade : Gaur Plains (night)

Super Street Fighter : Cammy's Theme

Composer(s) :

XenoSaga : Yasunori Mitsuda, Yuki Kajiura

Legend of Dragoon : Takeo Miratsu, Dennis Martin

Xenoblade : Yoko Shimomura, ACE+, Manami Kiyota, Yasunori Mitsuda

Super Street Fighter : Isao Abe, Syun Nishigaki

System :

XenoSaga : Playstation 2

Legend of Dragoon : Playstation

Xenoblade : Wii

Super Street Fighter : Arcade + multiple consoles

Sources breakdown:

00:00 - 01:23 - Original Writing

01:24 - 02:07 - XenoSaga (Kokoro)

02:08 - 02:49 - Legend of Dragoon (If you still believe)

02:50 - 03:31 - XenoBlade (Gaur Plains - Night)

03:31 - 04:04 - XenoSaga (Kokoro)

04:05 - 04:57 - Super Street Fighter (Cammy's Stage)

04:58 - 07:30 - Legend of Dragoon (If you still believe)


XenoSaga - Spirit [kokoro]:

Legend of Dragoon - If you still believe:


Xenoblade - Gaur Plains (night):


Super Street Fighter - Cammy:

OCR Workshop link:


Comments (Claire):

When DjMystix asked me to do a second vocal submission, I literally jumped at the chance. His work always has a professional sound to it and he knows how to blend music and vocals without one being way more dominating over the other. I also knew that he would expect nothing but the best from me and would not let me be lazy!

I have to admit, mixing two songs together in a kind of Glee style mash up seems very ambitious, but he's totally pulled it off in my opinion. I very much enjoyed providing my vocals for this track and being giving the opportunity to sing things my way and put my own spin on them. If I say so myself, the end result is pretty amazing!

Comments (Dj Mystix):

For eternity (probably eversince I saw first trailer of XenoSaga back then), I thought that "Kokoro" (XenoSaga) and "If you still believe" (LoD) can be mixed into one track and even the lyrics would make sense. So here I am trying to re-imagine both songs into one. I started the song with some original writing to set the mood of the song. I could write original stuff between vocal breaks as well but that's not what I usually do so xenoblade and cammy are just supporting elements here :D I wouldn't even call it a remix of Xenoblade or Street Fighter. They are only mentioned to ensure credit is given where it is due. Both Xenoblade and Street Fighter are there to keep the listener's interest level up (since the mix is 7.3 minutes long). This is still mainly a XenoSaga/Legend of Dragoon remix.

Claire, once again, has done an amazing job. Her vocals made the song 10 times better than what I could do without them. She went an extra mile to record supporting elements (adlib etc.). I love how she improvises a lot and always try to make the song her own.

I, myself is surprised how well the two songs (from totally different games) work together. We hope you enjoy this track. Thanks for listening :D

One special mention of Claire's comments in the workshop thread:

"I'm adding this one to my mp3 as I want my baby to hear my singing way before she is born... that's right, I am pregnant! My first baby, a little girl, is due in September. I can't wait!! I need to do more singing so she can get used to it. :D"


  • 1 month later...

Vocal medleys definitely seem to be your niche, Mansoor :-) You absolutely excel at creating consistent, memorable, and nostalgic arrangements time after time that I struggle to find any critical problems with.

Production-wise, I'd say this is some of your strongest work to date. It still has a few of the minor issues that have been brought up with your previous works (some bland lead synths, and some unrealistic sequenced instruments such as the flute) but again, it's never been a dealbreaker in the past and I don't see why it would suddenly be one now. The length of the mix is justified thanks to some extended solo sections and a good variety of vocal parts, I don't feel like any of this suffers from copy/paste abuse.

Claire also gives an absolutely fantastic performance here. The recording quality feels a little bit underwhelming but the raw talent here is incredibly obvious, and it fits perfectly into the backing track. No complaints here.

I hope both of you continue to share your talents with the community for a long time to come, you're fast becoming one of my all-time favorite collab pairs!



Wes really said most of what I was going to say. I appreciate that you take some time to revisit themes instead of only going from one to another without ever seeing them again, which is a nice plus in a medley like this. Everything is personalized well, and Claire's vocals are very well performed. Nice work, both of you, and congrats to Claire!



This has a very nice vocal performance and a solid backing track. I think the arrangement was the strong point, and the production was good, if a bit predictable. Still, there's nothing wrong with familiarity, and the quality of the production felt high enough to be at the OSV or official arrange level.

I felt the arrangement went a little long, but otherwise it was very nice, I am definitely excited to hear more from both of you. :-)


  • 4 weeks later...

Recording quality of the vocal isn't the best, and that was probably the most major problem (though not a dealbreaker). With some additional reverb and EQ, it might have been completely mitigated in fact. I guess there's some parts where Claire is also a little out-of-tune but the majority of her performance is strong. Oh also, in the first verse the vocal is produced a little differently than the rest of the song (sounds like there's more low-end), which is a little odd. But the problems stop there. The medley barely seemed like a medley and the sequencing and lush soundscape were dead-on. Really nice stuff, some of your best so far. There's too much good here to let the flaws prevent this from passing.


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