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Hello: djpretzel and judges.

(On the link that I provided, I´m saying that the mix is incomplete. But it is really done now.)

-Contact Info-

ReMixer name: Txai

Real name: Txai Junqueira Viegas

Email address: t_x_a_i@hotmail.com

Website: http://txai.deviantart.com

Userid (number, not name) on our forums: 22288

-ReMix Info-

ReMix Title: Chinese Dreams

Name of game(s) ReMixed: Super Street Fighter 2

Name of individual song(s) ReMixed: Chun Li's Ending Part 3

My comments: This is certainly my best work. I worked on it for almost five

months. And I put my best effort in this mix.

This was a song for the SSF2 Project. However, I left of there because Shael

Riley changed his Genre guidelines and rejected my song. He want urban

songs, like trance, rap, hard rock...whatever.

My song is an orchestral/ethnic piece.

I am really disappointed with the fact that occured. Because it was also

very hard to do. Some guys told me that the endings are hard to make because

they´re very short and can´t bring some inspiration. Big mistake. The first

thing that got me on it was the initiative to search the spc file of the

original source tune. I listened the song several times and it got me with a

lot of inspiration and clear ideas to start.

The arrangement written have great lines of me.

I absolutely had fun working with the percussion and the instrumentation.

The flute was one of my favourite things. I also put some epic instruments

to do it more asian. There´s many variation of instruments that I liked to

work: pizzicato, strings, piano, cello, bells, oboe, bassoon, trumpets...and

much more.

But this song isn´t so famous. You can listen a spc file of that, or maybe

this MIDI file:

(NOTE: the original track was played only in few certain periods, like the

end of the mix).

On this time of effort, thanks to my friends for the suggestions. And thank

you to GrayLightning for the feedback.




http://www.zophar.net/zsnes/spc/ssf2.rar - "Chun Li's Ending (3)" (ssf2-37.spc)

Heh. The original honestly isn't that good. Just a 20-second loop. Sounds like a lemon of a track to me, so I'm interested to hear what you've done with it. Opens with some piano that sounds a bit distant. Almost going for a Reuben Kee-level opening. Woodwind at :10 sounds fake, and pizzicato strings at :14 sound very lo-fi for some reason.

:20 in and not hearing anything really tied to the source yet. A melody comes in at :27, but it definitely doesn't sound like the source material. Some drums come in at :40 and sound like they're clipping/distorting a lille bit. The woodwind sounds flat, and the vox & bird SFX both sounds rather tacky.

The production is pretty lacking, as the vox and low-end synths all crud up the atmosphere. Gray could offer the most salient suggestions there. 1:08-in and I still don't hear anything that sounds like the melodic progression from the source tune. 2:12 in, and there's more flat woodwind stuff, but still nothing that gives me a connection of the source tune.

There are a lot of decent ideas here, so you get some credit for trying to keep things varied, but it took until 3:03 to finally here something that wasn't the most liberal of liberal arrangement. Then by 3:30, it went off the path yet again. Drums at 3:03 again are too loud to be tolerable, the the woodwind at 3:38 is extra shrill. Volume is way over the top for the rest of the track.

Even if this sounded awesome, IT DOESN'T SOUND LIKE THE ORIGINAL, which you basically acknowledged in your submission letter. This is way too liberal. I don't know how you took a 20-second original, barely even use it in a recognizable way, and somehow think this would make it. Next time, rearrange the source tune.



Yeah, the original is really simplistic. Just a couple riffs..

I actually think this track is pretty well-executed. Lots of cool percussive stuff, lots of movement, good implementation of the samples, appropriate amount of reverb, volume levels are all good. This sort of reminds me of GrayLightning's stuff in general style. The snares throughout are kind of fake though - vary up your velocities more. It does sort of get crowded when the SFX come in.. I'm not sure how good those are. Really, this isn't bad at all, but as Vig + Larry said, there's just not a lot of connection to the original. Hardly any that I could hear, really, besides some similar chords.. but there's not much to work off of to begin with.

Good effort, but too liberal.



Nice work Txai. The atmosphere is rich, the instruments are varied and dynamically this piece has a lot going for it. It’s a bit cluttered and unfocused in some spots. You might consider toning down the erratic hand percussion during 2:12-2:26 or scaling back and varying the loud snare that dominates the scene from 3:03-3:44. The break at 2:33-3:00 is pretty slick but would be much better if the performance was more fluid. Although the melodies are interesting during that section, the chromatic and percussive elements get very robotic, especially towards the 3:00 mark.

The choir vox isn’t working for me but it isn’t the worst choir ever. In general it doesn’t sound like the highest quality instruments are in play here, especially in the intro where they are most exposed, but this is an example of how processing and composition can overcome the shortcomings of a poor violin or weak piano. After a little work this would be fine by me on a sound quality and compositional basis. However, as has been pointed out, the source is absolutely buried. Except for a few melodies that might show up in any song, I honestly can’t find the source at all. So, in spite of how enjoyable this is, I’ve gotta go with a…


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