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Panic Puppet Zone Acts 1&2-My first project-Feedback Appreciated

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Hello there. Err... Nice weather we're having.... Isn't it?

I'm not good at starting these. So let's get on with it. Shall we?

So, I decided a good way to help me improve, Is to start a song project. As I progress through the project, I hope to become more skilled, and in the end, Have a complete song that turns out good.

On to the actual song.

Now, I tried to think of what to do for my first project, and while I was messing around practicing, and trying some new things out, I decided I may as well do a song from the first game I ever played. Sonic 3D Blast, On The SEGA Saturn. I figured the best way to start making music would be a song from the first game I played. And what better way to start something then with the last level... Right? I though about which Act to do. In the end though, I couldn't make up my mind. So I figured why not do both as one song.

Right now, I haven't made a version with both together, Only separate pieces. That is the next step. Before I start though, I want to try and get some feedback, See what people like, or dislike, what is wrong, and so forth. After a little bit of feedback, I'll start to work on the first version of the final version. Hopefully I can get a solid enough track, And be able to refine it from then on.

Enough Rambling, And let's get to the actual tracks.

Let me know what you think:

Act 1: http://soundcloud.com/xumtosis/panic-puppet-zone-act-1

Act 2: http://soundcloud.com/xumtosis/panic-puppet-zone-act-2-version-2-wip

If you want you can check the older versions I have up, And let me know if I'm actually improving. They should be the first two tracks I uploaded.


Update: I now have a very rough outline of both Acts together. It's for concept proof more then anything. So forgive the lack of any transition.

Here it is:



Update: Went back a step, In order to do a bit more refining. Only have Act 1 right now, But I should have Act 2 soon. I'll add it below when I get it done.

Let me know what you think.



Well, Thanks for taking the time to read through my ramblings.

Any feedback is appreciated.



Act 1: The kick drum is really weak. Personally, I would go with a kick that has more or just a better sounding low end.

It sounds like you're using VST guitars, right? Ouch.....It's pointless to complain about vst guitars not sounding "real" but I can safely say that unless you get real guitar or at least really good samples in this, the song will never realize its full potential. I think I hear a bassline in there somewhere, but it is way too quiet and gets buried by everything else. I would say that a lot of the leads could be dropped in volume a bit.

All my complaints about act 1 apply to act 2 as well. The songs themselves are fine though.

Of course, these are just my opinions.


Yeah, The volumes are rather out of order in the current tracks. Still getting the hang of tweaking them effectively.

I would love to get real guitars, But that's probably not going to happen. For a first project, I think it should be fine though. Besides, I can always come back at a later date and rework it, If I have the ability to improve the track.

I think I'll start on the next version soon. Perhaps I can try and get some guitar samples first, and mess around with some tests. See if I can get some better sounding guitars. If not, I'll just have to deal with it for now.

Thanks for the feedback. Always appreciated.


Act 1:

Effects you have going on like at 2:11 are nice. That signaled the upcoming guitar for me.

At 2:52, the guitar is fully exposed, so it would have to be really amazing to work there. Keep that in mind.

Act 2:

The ideas you have there are just fine. It's just the samples, balance, and EQ you need to improve. The arrangement works, for me at least.


It sounds like you're using FL Slayer or something. If you're going to want something with that tone, go for a synth plugin that you can learn to use and customize your own sounds. Then you can create a lead tone you want that is more obviously a synth lead and is trying less to be a guitar. No offense, but common electric guitar VSTi's aren't that good. Go for sample libraries or the real thing.

It sounds like the kick is at least loud enough. Now see if you can find a good sample that isn't so heavy in the lows. You want one that is heavy enough in the lows to know it's there, but not so overpowering that it blocks out the bass, and it should also have a little high end so it can be heard.

The snare sample sounds like a really old-school Roland-TR snare. Some of those are really nice, but aren't fitting for this genre. Those are more for Electro tracks. Try going for more of a rock snare.


Yeah, Both tracks are about where I like them in their concepts. I just need to find the right tweaks for them now. Act 2 is the most out of it, Since it's an older version, But it came out better then I though, Concept wise at least. The levels in Act 2 are rather off.

I'm actually using a mix of electric and rock drum kits. I like the mix between them. Makes it so the songs still have a bit of techno, Like the originals. Although I may have to tweak with it a bit still, So I can get a good mix. I'm not sure. I do like how it sounds, But maybe I should try a test or two with either full one, Or the other. The levels of the drums still needs work, Either way.

The main problem to me, Would have to be the guitars. Yes, I am using FL Slayer. While sometimes, I actually like how they turn out, Most of the time, They tend to sound far to mechanical. While that sounds good in certain songs, It tends to sound rather off in most. Unfortunately, Since I myself can't play a guitar, I'm going to have to try and find some samples that are high quality. Hopefully, I can find some that will work.

Next version will have an actual transition between acts. I may wind up reusing The current Act 1, Since it turned out quite well, and It already has somewhat of a transition at the end. So I'd have something to work with. I'll see.

Thanks for the feedback. It helps a lot, And is greatly appreciated. Let's hope I can get this thing to sound right by the end, Eh?

Yeah, Both tracks are about where I like them in their concepts. I just need to find the right tweaks for them now. Act 2 is the most out of it, Since it's an older version, But it came out better then I though, Concept wise at least. The levels in Act 2 are rather off.

I'm actually using a mix of electric and rock drum kits. I like the mix between them. Makes it so the songs still have a bit of techno, Like the originals. Although I may have to tweak with it a bit still, So I can get a good mix. I'm not sure. I do like how it sounds, But maybe I should try a test or two with either full one, Or the other. The levels of the drums still needs work, Either way.

The main problem to me, Would have to be the guitars. Yes, I am using FL Slayer. While sometimes, I actually like how they turn out, Most of the time, They tend to sound far to mechanical. While that sounds good in certain songs, It tends to sound rather off in most. Unfortunately, Since I myself can't play a guitar, I'm going to have to try and find some samples that are high quality. Hopefully, I can find some that will work.

Next version will have an actual transition between acts. I may wind up reusing The current Act 1, Since it turned out quite well, and It already has somewhat of a transition at the end. So I'd have something to work with. I'll see.

Thanks for the feedback. It helps a lot, And is greatly appreciated. Let's hope I can get this thing to sound right by the end, Eh?

Alright then. Well, one piece of advice I can give is that you should try to make it seem like you're using only one kit, even if you're mixing kits. Try combining kits that could sound like they're one kit, then put them under the same reverb. The reverb would then have to be extremely mild; just enough to know it's barely there, so you believe the combined kits are in the same room.

And if we look at the best lead/rhythm guitar libraries, I've ended up selecting these to use in the end:

Strawberry Evolution Electric Guitar (Pretty good Rhythm, Awesome as Lead, $179.99) - http://www.orangetreesamples.com/evolution-electric-guitar-strawberry (Orangeholic is a really awesome demo)

Impact Soundworks Shreddage X (Best Rhythm I've ever seen, $69) - http://shreddage.com/ (the Rock the Dragon demo is a really good demo)

Note that you need Kontakt 4.2.4 (not Kontakt Player) or higher to use these (4.2.4 is a for-sure thing, since I have it and these libraries, but it could work for simply 4+), and Kontakt costs $500. Yeah, they cost money. That was kind of inevitable. :| If you don't want to spend money, then you should either ask someone to collaborate, or replace your instruments with something else, like a really good legato synth tone.


Those Demos only make it more painful that I don't have much money. I'm going to have to get quite a bit of money to be able to afford those, But I have a feeling it will be worth it.

For now though, I think I'll have to try and get some help on this. It wouldn't sound right to me if there wasn't a guitar. So If I can't get someone to collaborate, I'll probably wind up putting this on hold, Until I can do it myself.

Not quite sure who to ask, Or really even how, But Well... I guess I'll have to figure that out.

Well, You guys have bin very helpful. I can't thank you enough.

Hopefully I can get a bit of help to finish this one off. I'd hate to put it on hold, But I'd hate it even more if I couldn't get the song to sound right.

Err.... You wouldn't by chance be willing or available to help me finish this... Would you? Maybe a little bit. Tiny bit? I'll just... Stop now.

I MAY not be very good with people. Possibly. Little bit. Tiny bit? I used that joke already. I'm just going to stop typing now.

Can you tell I'm not good at starting or ending these things yet? Is it that obvious?


Err.... You wouldn't by chance be willing or available to help me finish this... Would you?

Well, since you use FL Studio, it makes things a whole lot easier. If you want, you can send me the FLP(s) and I'll tweak the EQ, levels, and so on to clean it up. From there, I think the changing samples can wait. It would end up solving most problems. ;)

Well, since you use FL Studio, it makes things a whole lot easier. If you want, you can send me the FLP(s) and I'll tweak the EQ, levels, and so on to clean it up. From there, I think the changing samples can wait. It would end up solving most problems. ;)

I can send you the next versions when I have them done and I get a chance. I think I may make two separate tracks again, Just to tweak them both a little better. Just message me with how you want me to send them, And I'll get them to you.

I can't thank you enough for helping me get this done. I would of hated to put it on hold. So, Thanks. It's appreciated.


Got the next versions done. Decided to go back a step and do them separate again. Just to try and tweak them a bit more. Updated the first post.

Let me know what you think. Changed a bit up. Figured I may as well try a few things, Just to see how they sounded.

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