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Are there any good resources for arcade-hunting in Japan?

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This may end up with no responses but on the off chance someone knows the answer to this I may as well put it out there.

I've been living in Kurume near Fukuoka for the past 6 months or so, and while it's been nice I've been unable to find any honest-to-goodness arcades in my area. There are a few that have like, king of fighters '97, but I would love to find some street fighter machines, or king of fighters 13, or tekken tag 2. really anything that i can grind and get better at, i miss competitive gaming and LoL is not cutting it.

Do any internationals know of a good resource I can use to find what I'm looking for?


I personally have no experience in the matter, but if you're looking for arcades with plenty of fighters, you might wanna give shoryuken.com or eventhubs.com a browse. People posting in the forums might be able to help you out there, since I know that more than a few have at least claimed to have gone to Japan(or live there) and should have a good idea of where to find some.

Assuming you haven't tried that already of course.

I personally have no experience in the matter, but if you're looking for arcades with plenty of fighters, you might wanna give shoryuken.com or eventhubs.com a browse. People posting in the forums might be able to help you out there, since I know that more than a few have at least claimed to have gone to Japan(or live there) and should have a good idea of where to find some.

Assuming you haven't tried that already of course.

Yes, this -- Shoryuken should be able to point you in the right direction. Tweet at @MarkMan23 and some of the other FGC members who regularly travel to Japan and see if they can't help you out.


i'll look into it. what i'm worried about is that people don't really frequent the southern half of japan, so where i've seen so far that's been reported isn't even accurate. one was real but didn't have the right machines reported there at all.

i'll look into the twittering. time to fire that old pony up

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