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*NO* Final Fantasy 7 'Chillin with the Black Caped Man'

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Email sub file Chillin With the Black Caped Man.mp3


David Burch


Game Remixed: Final Fantasy VII

This is a remix of the song "Chasing the Black Caped Man", called "Chillin' With the Black Caped Man".

It's a fairly straightforward mix...and my first submission to OC ReMix.

(ps - sorry about the attatchment...I don't have access to any place to host the file)


Using Opera's revolutionary e-mail client: http://www.opera.com/mail/


http://www.tzone.org/~llin/psf/packs2/FF7_psf.rar - 209 "Chasing the Black-Caped Man"

Well, you said this would be pretty straightforward and you weren't lyin'. Pretty basic/sparse with the instrumentation. Percussion being so dry didn't help. Pretty plodding, monotonous and not significantly rearranged. Way too long without the variation to justify it.

Sounds like 2 1/2 loops of an instrument swap with some basic percussion added. The time between this and the PSF only sounds off about 3 seconds. When the track isn't given any effort to substantially differentiating it from the original, you get the boot.

Submission Instructions & Standards]In terms of arrangement - how close or distant ReMixes should be to the original - the general rule is that the ReMix should be YOURS. We don't just mean that you were involved in its creation, but that it is different enough from the original so as to readily illustrate the contributions, modifications, and enhancements you have made. In other words, don't just take the original and drop a few drum loops on top. Also, don't simply take a MIDI file and assign new instruments to the parts, or add reverb, and expect that to pass as 'yours'. When we say 'ReMix', we actually mean something closer to 're-arrangement', if that helps clarify. If you listen to most of the pieces on the site and compare them to the originals, you should get an idea of what a ReMix is.


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