djpretzel Posted November 17, 2005 Posted November 17, 2005 Attempt #7 Artist: Skrypnyk Real Name: Andrew Skrypnyk E-mail: Website: UserID: 10626 Game: Killer Instinct Title: Never Cry Wolf Link: (I'd recommend someone uploading it somewhere else =\) Ok, so I've been listening to quote unquote Ambient Electronic latly, and I've been getting into it more and more. Some people, 3 to be exact (so far) have compared the music to Linkin Park - Session. I would like to say for the record, that that song has had no influence on any of the songs I've done so far. I will say it is a good song, but the groups I have been listening to would be Boards of Canada and Cex.....not Linkin Park....just thought I would make that clear. Now about the song, pretty experimental if you ask me. Most people consider this 'glitch' music because of the drumbeat, though I wouldn't say it exactly is. Glitch is more synthetic, more clicking/cutting etc. It moves from ambient sounds to more of a orchestral thing sooo, I wouldn't really classify this in a genre. Though if you want to call it IDM, go right ahead =) The guitar part at the end was originally played by a friend of mine (Matt Mooney), and he did play it, and he did play it well. However, my recording equipment really really sucks, so I couldn't use what he played =( . However, I managed to take the melody he played, throw it in the best soundfont I could find, and make it as realistic as possible. Changed it up a little as well. So yeah, if y'all like it, then cool. If not, I'll try a re-sub I guess and if that doesn't work, THEN SCREW YOU JDGFGT MEANNIES!!!!!
Liontamer Posted November 23, 2005 Posted November 23, 2005 - Sabrewulf (ki-21.spc) The howl of da WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLF opened things up with some light Rareware/GoldenEye Caverns style xylo (Xylo? Ah shaddap Gray), and some beats joining in at :28. About a minute in and I'm still waiting for something to happen. Piano joins in at 1:08 and we start getting some buildup...or not. Hmmm...well 1:45 in and I thought the track was gonna bust out with some heavy rock energy on account of the drums and overall energy level being so subdued. To me it seemed like some sort of soft-to-loud contrast of the beginning and end was gonna happen, but it never materialized. Oh well. Well, with that said, I guess the piano at 1:10 was supposed to represent the energy level being picked up. Right now, the piano sounds too mechanical. In terms of dynamic contrast, what we got was the track losing the percussion, but since the percussion wasn't very impactful to begin with, dropping it out didn't really effect the energy level or mood. Part of the problem to me was that when the beats were involved, you had that lone piano with the plucky notes in the forefront. The beats then dropped out by 1:56, yet the style of the piano performance was practically the same as when the beats where there. Some chords wouldn't have hurt to try and mask some of the roboticness in the timing on the performance. Strings at 2:34 also sounded too thin and synthetic. Some new beats creep in at 3:05, and what sounds like a thin and mechanical acoustic guitar synth handles the melody at 3:07; I know it's not functioning in the manner of a real guitar, but the roboticness doesn't sound any better or more agreeable as a result. The beats are still pretty tepid, and the texture of everything together is very weak. Wolf SFX abruptly cut in at 4:38 after just being used a couple seconds earlier. C'mon, don't let it sound completely bootleg. Well, some of the other Js may not agree with my comments regarding the lack of dynamics. Not sure how well I was able to articulate those concerns, but I hope I got the point across. But really, the whole thing just sounds too lifeless, dull, mechanical. It honestly would need a lot of work if it's gonna be resubbed. I'd just call it a done deal and move onto something else frankly, but if you feel you can breathe some life into it (live guitar from Matt wouldn't hurt), feel free to give it a shot bro! You'll at least keep gaining experience. Be sure to use the WIP forums for some feedback and focus on getting criticism. NO
Vig Posted December 7, 2005 Posted December 7, 2005 grrr...this track is awfully promising. The approach you take to the track is really fresh and beautiful. i think the howls work well, and the groove+vamp in the beggining is beautiful. HOWEVER the bells and piano, and drums...and mostly everything is too dry. The piano in particular sounds way too present given what ought to be the more ambient nature of the mix. i'd say drown it in verb, maybe even cut the volume. The other problem is the sweet ELP-sounding vamp disappears and never comes back. There's no continuity to the mix. it just jumps around. I'd like to hear some of your ideas revisited. I'd say keep working on it, but now it's a NO Oh and the guitar sounds like ass, both the sample and the sequencing.
JJT Posted December 8, 2005 Posted December 8, 2005 The beginning of this remix is strong, very strong. I like the drum programming, very interesting, and it provides a good pocket. However, this feels like two different remixes put back to back. Work on this some more and see if you can get some more continuity between the two sections. I'd suggest doing away with the piano pattern that begins at 1:59. It's a cool idea, but serves as little more than a long transition between the two major sections of this remix. The guitar sample that comes in at 3:09 sounds really mechanical. See if you can find a better sample and improve the sequencing. As the other judges have said, you've got some really good ideas workin' here. If you decide to resubmit, good luck. NO RESUBMIT
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