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Another little ditty orchestrated today, again testing out something I'm working on. The source material is quite short, and I wanted to stay faithful to it (and I also don't have much spare time today) so it's only a minute or so long, but hopefully that doesn't detract from the piece.

| 9rdrN.jpg

Any comments/crits/ideas on the realism aspect are more than welcome. Also shout out anything with the mix that you think could be improved. I use these as practice so any opinions are appreciated.

The first half hour or so of writing this was a nightmare - I directly transcribed the Timpani from the original and it just sounded too muddy and washy. I ended up rewriting the Timpani rhythm to be more subtle and I think it worked better.

The woodwind rips are also a bit much in my opinion listening back. I still need to learn to tame the use of them a little but they do just sound so awesome. Also, the winds playing the melody were really hard to get right - the original has this awesome bend sound, and it feels slightly ethnicy/traditional which I think this version lacks a bit. Other than that I'm pretty happy with it.

Anyway, hope you enjoy!


At the risk of sounding like a broken record, I must say once again that this is just absolutely fantastic. The timpani rewrite was a great choice, and you nailed the signature flute bend, too.

I wouldn't worry about it being too bombastic. When the brass swells up big around 0:30 and leads into the more wild, extra-heroic section, well, that's my favorite bit of the song actually. It's definitely more of an active-listening piece than an understated underscore... but that's good, that makes it interesting. I mean, the source is written as the theme song/fanfare of a time-traveling frog hero-- "bombastic" is totally appropriate!

With regards to realism, if I'm being as nit-picky as possible, I'll say that the choir sounds slightly iffy to me when the tail becomes exposed at 0:17, 0:49 and 1:05. Maybe it's the vibrato that's throwing me off... it could be less an issue with realism, and more an issue with my personal distaste for vocal vibrato in any quantity other than "extremely subtle." On the other hand, when the choir is tucked away behind the orchestra, it sounds like one of the most realistic choir samples I've ever heard. And I'm dissatisfied with most choir libraries, actually, but whatever you are using, I don't recognize it and you are using it extremely well.

Another awesome piece.


This is the point where I normally start saying stuff like "The only problem with this is that it should be longer."

I already have at least a half-dozen Frog remixes, and this one is still an excellent rendition of the theme.

I really did like the buildup from 0:18 turning into the extra-epic section by 0:34-35.


Thanks everyone! Really glad you liked it.

I expected it to be more coverish, but I loved the way it went after 0:34 :D

Writing the bit after 0:30 was my favourite part so I did use a little bit more creative freedom

With regards to realism, if I'm being as nit-picky as possible, I'll say that the choir sounds slightly iffy to me when the tail becomes exposed at 0:17, 0:49 and 1:05. Maybe it's the vibrato that's throwing me off... it could be less an issue with realism, and more an issue with my personal distaste for vocal vibrato in any quantity other than "extremely subtle." On the other hand, when the choir is tucked away behind the orchestra, it sounds like one of the most realistic choir samples I've ever heard. And I'm dissatisfied with most choir libraries, actually, but whatever you are using, I don't recognize it and you are using it extremely well.

Glad you liked it and think the bombasticness works in the piece, and thanks so much for the feedback. I agree that the choir sounds a bit iffy. It's the new updated Requiem Pro and so it's the first time I've used it in a mix - going to take a while to get used to mixing it in. It's very vibratoey - especially as you get higher up

I really did like the buildup from 0:18 turning into the extra-epic section by 0:34-35.

I really appreciate the kind words. Glad you liked and awesome to hear that the build-up comes across okay. It was hard not to take it too far, or to give it too little oomph.

Thanks again, glad everyone liked!


I hit the follow button on the soundcloud thinger!

The choir totally makes this for me.

You did a great job with the samples, production, performance, everything. I can tell it's not a real orchestra but, it's as close as it's getting to the real thing without uh....the real thing. I wish my fake orchestra sounded like that.

Awesome job. I personally prefer stuff that doesn't mess with the original too much, so I dug this

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