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*NO* Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker 'Hero's Funeral'

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Hi !

First submission, I hope it will be a good try !



ReMixer name: Irzul

Country: FRANCE

Email: kakarotvsmajinboo@hotmail.com

Websites: http://perfect-zelda.net and http://zelda-musique.perfect-zelda.net

ReMixer name: Metallizer

Country: FRANCE

Email: metallizer@is06.com

Websites: http//www.is06.com

Remix info:

Game: The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker

Song: Farewell Hyrule King

I wanted to make a melancholic remix of this song because i think the original one is not very sad. I made a totally new arrangement with new chords. I also added a special part to the song at 2:04 that reminds the Overworld. Then, I've played with the velocities and the tempo. To mix it, I was helped by a friend, Metallizer, who mixed the song with a Steinway piano. He also helped with some note tweaking. After some attempts with various change of velocities, the song was finished.

  • 3 weeks later...

The Legend of Zelda ~Takt of Wind~ Original Sound Tracks - 255 "Farewell Hyrule King"

DarkeSword pointed out that the source is not much more than a piano version of "Hyrule Castle" from Zelda 3. I'd be a liar if I said I could have initially pieced together the connection. Luckily it all became clear once I was able to snag the source tune and listen more closely. Ballsy approach going for a piano arrangement of a piano original. I like the key change involved here, as well as the arrangement and the atmosphere.

Right now the performance sounds empty at times. There were some more noticeably thin spots, e.g. :45, :53, and 1:20-1:36. But the main problem for me was that the timing of the "performance" was mechanical and sluggish the whole way through. I know you guys weren't going for a uniform tempo, but the timing was jerky as you attempted to produce a more human touch with some dynamics. It's gotta sound smoother, more flowy, more human. The effort put into making it sound like a live performance is admirable but unfortunately not there yet.

Along with beefing up some of the thinner spots, refining the smoothness of the performance would give this a much better chance. I'd be interested in Christian Pacaud's opinion on this given his own sequenced piano mixes. In any case, I'll be keeping this, but hope to see it resubmitted. Nice first submission.

NO (refine/resubmit)

  • 4 weeks later...

There a couple issues with the performance.

First off, if you didn't use a metronome recording this, please try again using one. You're not keeping steady time in the beginning (around :14). It's pretty painful to listen to. Sometimes it's okay to drift in and out of time, but in this case it's pretty spastic and doesn't sound very deliberate.

At 1:10 the chords in the left hand sound really mechanical. More work needs to be done with the velocities.

As for production, this isn't eq'ed very well. There's virtually no hi-end. Thus, the low to mid range of the piano sounds very muddy. The fact that you're using so much pedal doesn't help that at all.

It's an okay first try, but keep these things in mind if/when you submit a new piece.



I like the arrangement ideas here, but the execution to me feels too spastic. As JJT mentioned, the timing is sometimes really disjointed, lacking in performance and flow. It does have its high points though. There are moments where the flourishes are gorgeous. I'd like to hear some more dynamics in this type of piece, but that's personal taste.

The production here though is too problematic for me. It sounds like it's overreverbed/recorded poorly with far mics. This explains the lofi/distant sounding piano that's lacking in any shimmer. It sounds like a wave of mud sometimes. I listen to a lot of solo piano recordings, recorded in European halls so I certainly appreciate the distance and darkness of the style, but in this case it's overboard and lacking in too much detail.

I would do some liberal frequency roll offs at 200-800 hz, and do some bumps at 1K, 5K and 10K ranges to add some shimmer. But this would depend on the raw/dry original wav source at your disposal.

Promising mix. Keep at it.


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