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Any M/S plugins?

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Any plugins for m/s processing? I have one with ozone, but im having compatibility issues.

I know the Eq in ableton can do it, but I don't always use ableton.

oh man oh man oh man where did I find this one plugin and what was it called...


Oh! Found it!


These are pretty damn high quality considering they're all FREE. There are a lot of M/S procssing plugins here, some more complex than others to suit your needs, whatever they may be.

There are a lot of good plugins here to use, there's even a "de-clipper", if you will. Not sure how it works but it does, somehow

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oh man oh man oh man where did I find this one plugin and what was it called...


Oh! Found it!


These are pretty damn high quality considering they're all FREE. There are a lot of M/S procssing plugins here, some more complex than others to suit your needs, whatever they may be.

There are a lot of good plugins here to use, there's even a "de-clipper", if you will. Not sure how it works but it does, somehow


thankyou! seems perfect for the guitar mixes!

Will try this in my next mastering sess to bring out sides a bit more

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thankyou! seems perfect for the guitar mixes!

Will try this in my next mastering sess to bring out sides a bit more

glad to help.

There's also some pan editing stuff in there somewhere, in case you want to do some kind of stereo-pan-EQing or something like that

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