Xumtosis Posted October 24, 2012 Posted October 24, 2012 Finally got the time to put this up, So here it goes. This was my first project, and perhaps I tried to do something a bit too ambitious, But it was fun. I went for a multi style track of mainly rock and techno, With a bit of orchestration in there for flavor. The hardest part was trying to actually get a track so varied in style to sound good, Especially since I still have quite a bit to learn. Luckily, I got some help from from timaeus222. Without the help, It probably wouldn't sound half as good. So many thanks. I thought a bit on how I would start each Act, And since Act 1 and 2 needed to play into each other, I had to figure out the best way to do that. I found out, While screwing around in an audio editor, That playing part of the end to Act 1 backwards actually sounded quite nice as a transition. So I went with it. The beginning to Act 1 is rather sudden, Since I'm not sure how I wanted it, And doing another backwards section seemed like over doing it. In the end, I decided to go without a more unique beginning. The piano bit was something I decided to keep in Act 1, Since I felt it fit into the emotion of a Final Stage. The Lyrical Strings, And Brass (In Act 2 that is.) also add to it. The guitars, sythns, and Drums are more for the intensity of a Final Stage. Representing tension, Strain, Urgency, and all that stuff. I'd say that's enough explanation and rambling, Wouldn't you? Besides, Your not hear to hear me talk. Or rather type. Well, Not "Hear" me type, But... Err.. Let's move on, Shall we? Yes, There is actually a song at the end of that wall of text. Makes it worth while, Right?... R-Right?... Right... Enjoy, And let me know what you think. http://soundcloud.com/xumtosis/panic-puppet-zone-acts-1-2 I can only hope you enjoy it as much as I did making it. While your there, You can... You know.. Look at some other stuff I made... If you want... All my other totally not unfinished things. I swear their done. Ignore the things that say WIP. It's a.. Err... Typo? Yeah, that. I have never had any idea how to end posts. Probably never will. This is the awkward part, When your not sure why I'm still typing, Or why your still reading. Err... Nice... Hat? Your probably not even wearing a hat. So, Thanks for reading through the ramblings of what I can only assume you think is a mad man. I'll just shut up now. Quote
Sengin Posted October 24, 2012 Posted October 24, 2012 Maybe it's just me, but I really like that piano sample. Where did you get it (or did it come as part of your DAW)? The reverb I think is right on the borderline between perfect and too much, maybe slightly leaning towards too much. The middle is quite long and empty, and I found myself constantly checking to see when the next stuff was coming. Right when it switches (3:59ish) you can tell, but it's only slightly jarring. From 3:05 to 3:35 just kind of dragged on, as it was the same couple notes over and over. I found the first half pretty enjoyable, even though I felt like the melody could be fleshed out a bit more, with a bit more of your own personal take. I didn't find the second half as enjoyable as the first half, but that could just be my taste in music, so I won't comment on it. Overall I enjoyed this, but I personally would only probably listen until about 3:35 each time I listened. Quote
Xumtosis Posted October 27, 2012 Author Posted October 27, 2012 Maybe it's just me, but I really like that piano sample. Where did you get it (or did it come as part of your DAW)? The reverb I think is right on the borderline between perfect and too much, maybe slightly leaning towards too much.The middle is quite long and empty, and I found myself constantly checking to see when the next stuff was coming. Right when it switches (3:59ish) you can tell, but it's only slightly jarring. From 3:05 to 3:35 just kind of dragged on, as it was the same couple notes over and over. I found the first half pretty enjoyable, even though I felt like the melody could be fleshed out a bit more, with a bit more of your own personal take. I didn't find the second half as enjoyable as the first half, but that could just be my taste in music, so I won't comment on it. Overall I enjoyed this, but I personally would only probably listen until about 3:35 each time I listened. Well, Thanks for the feedback. The reason there isn't much improvising is because I wanted to keep it fairly simple for my first project. The problem with that is of course some people wont like the fact that both acts are essentially the same track, With a slightly different spin. As such, Without much personal interpretation or improvising, It can get a bit samey for some people. Not to mention that it's an eight minute long song. The second act was originally meant to lean more to the rock/metal side. But, I'm limited in terms of quality guitars, and short on money at the moment. So unfortunately, I had to make it more like the first act. I can always come back later and touch it up, When I have the ability. As for the piano samples, It's just FL Keys. Believe I put it on the Concert Piano preset, and picked Grand Piano. Beside that, I think Timaeus222 did some balancing and added some FX. Couldn't really tell you about that though. I "May not" know what I'm doing completely. Just a little bit. Alright, Maybe a lot. I may upload each Act on it's own for people who want them separate. But, Until then, You can always go in an Audio Editor and cut it into two tracks. Might sound a bit odd to some people, But I splice remixes, The Originals, and both together to make my own tracks. Makes my remix library a bit more unique. Although... Sometimes it doesn't really work out how I hope. So If you do that, Always back up the tracks. So if you hit Save instead of Save As, You don't have to re-download. Be careful of making abominations though. Trying to put too many different things together can get a bit... Ugly. Thanks for giving your opinion. Always appreciated. Now, Enjoy the track. However way that may be. Quote
crypto_magnum Posted October 28, 2012 Posted October 28, 2012 Lots of interesting ideas packed into this one! Not sure how to tackle this one other than with a shotgun (please do not assume that the violent imagery indicates a distaste for your remix-- I actually think it's a great start!) -3:58 careful with the popping sound right in the middle of the transition when you reverse the strings. See if you can smooth that over. -5:06 sounds like I'm suddenly in a completely different space. See if you can make this transition smoother too, because I was really hooked, waiting to see where you were going to go with the reversed section, but then the change right on 5:06 felt a little too abrupt. -7:23 some pretty intense dissonance here... not sure if it works or not... maybe. Chaotic dissonance really requires more spacing in the mix to be effective, imo. Everything feels a little too on top of each other here, so instead of a "wild free-fall all around me," it's more of a "jarring laser beam shooting at my forehead..." right, I hope I'm making some sense here. -In general, really good use of the free piano samples! These go a long way when you give them a little love like this. Strings are less convincing... but there's not much you can do about that without spending money. Maybe put $10 down on the FL Soundfont Player and grab a free copy of squidfont orchestra. The soundfont player also opens up a host of other free samples... worth every dollar, imo. Over all, this is an impressive start. Much better than my first project, to say the least. And don't ever worry about being too ambitious! You don't grow if you don't push yourself outside of your comfort zone. I might go for something closer to the 3- to 4-minute range on your next remix, just so you can cover more ground faster and try out more techniques on more, varied sources. But you're on the right track. Keep at it! Quote
timaeus222 Posted October 29, 2012 Posted October 29, 2012 Well, since I did a lot of stuff to it, I might as well write out a few things I did: - Balancing and spatial arrangement, of course. - Reverb, like on the piano, strings, etc, just to give it the feel that it's in an actual room. Raw, dry samples just aren't realistic. - Drums were just FL's FPC. I didn't know how else I could transfer drum samples without transferring actual drum samples. - The acoustic guitar was a patch from a large guitar soundfont set we both happened to grab at some point. I kept the arrangement exactly the same. This is pretty much what I managed to do with what I saw. Quote
Xumtosis Posted October 29, 2012 Author Posted October 29, 2012 Lots of interesting ideas packed into this one! Not sure how to tackle this one other than with a shotgun (please do not assume that the violent imagery indicates a distaste for your remix-- I actually think it's a great start!)-3:58 careful with the popping sound right in the middle of the transition when you reverse the strings. See if you can smooth that over. -5:06 sounds like I'm suddenly in a completely different space. See if you can make this transition smoother too, because I was really hooked, waiting to see where you were going to go with the reversed section, but then the change right on 5:06 felt a little too abrupt. -7:23 some pretty intense dissonance here... not sure if it works or not... maybe. Chaotic dissonance really requires more spacing in the mix to be effective, imo. Everything feels a little too on top of each other here, so instead of a "wild free-fall all around me," it's more of a "jarring laser beam shooting at my forehead..." right, I hope I'm making some sense here. -In general, really good use of the free piano samples! These go a long way when you give them a little love like this. Strings are less convincing... but there's not much you can do about that without spending money. Maybe put $10 down on the FL Soundfont Player and grab a free copy of squidfont orchestra. The soundfont player also opens up a host of other free samples... worth every dollar, imo. Over all, this is an impressive start. Much better than my first project, to say the least. And don't ever worry about being too ambitious! You don't grow if you don't push yourself outside of your comfort zone. I might go for something closer to the 3- to 4-minute range on your next remix, just so you can cover more ground faster and try out more techniques on more, varied sources. But you're on the right track. Keep at it! The transition all around worked out much better then I thought it would, But it is a bit rough. I wanted the reverse section to end suddenly, Kind of reflecting the fact that Act 2 of Panic Puppet is much different to the other zones, Because of the lack of an objective, Other then reaching the end. So, The sudden change shows an abrupt shift in from the normal. I do think it needs a bit more perhaps. I have a few ideas, So I can always give it a shot. Around the end of Act 2, I wanted it to start to get a bit hectic and a little overwhelming. To somewhat show the chaotic nature of the end of a final zone. Since they tend to be the most difficult, By the end the tension and strain can get to the point where it is almost overwhelming, And when it ends, It's almost peaceful. Well, At the least you tend to be happy that you beat it. The Strings and brass being left at the end reflect that. Although it isn't too long, Since that game has a Boss right after, So you'd get right back into it. Well, Technically two with all the Emeralds... Err... That's not the point though. Not sure if it's too overwhelming, Since personally I like it. Then again, I personally don't mind songs over twenty minutes, So you can't really gauge something that is so subjective very well, Without enough feedback. In the end, It's not about what I like. I'm making it for others to enjoy, And While I do have a certain vision, I'm more then happy to adjust it for those listening. Thanks for the feedback. Always happy to get all kind of it. You can't really get better without it, Now can you? Also, If anyone is curious about some of the things done in the song, Timaeus222 said about all he... Err... She? Uh... They did. I don't like to assume genders. And that make saying certain things quite difficult. I just feel like an ass if I do. So forgive me If I sometime word things poorly. Just as a bit of a warning, You may know of the hurricane on the east coast of the United States, and as of now, It's probably a few hours away from Long Island. And since I live there, Well... Let's just say I may be going with a more natural life style for a little bit. Especially if LIPA (Long Island Power Association) Dose as good of a job as last time. Can you feel the sarcasm in that last sentence? So, I may not be around for a little bit. Maybe a week or two. I don't know. Depends on how bad it is, and how long it lasts. If you never hear from me again, I'v either gone feral and decided to live among the trees, Or I'v bin washed out to sea and eaten by Sea Turtles. Honestly, The later is actually somehow more likely to occur. If I get eaten by Sea Turtles, You have my permission to finish my work. All of my... Err... Alright, I really only have like three tracks that are probably worth finishing. In all seriousness, Just be aware I probably wont have an update, or response for a little while. Fell free to leave any feedback, Suggestions, Critique, or anything else you may feel like putting here. Now, On a more important and serious matter. Dose anyone know the best way to repel and/or fight off those damned Sea Turtles? Quote
Xumtosis Posted November 14, 2012 Author Posted November 14, 2012 Hey, I'm alive. I think... Bin a bit crazy here with the clean up and all that. Wasn't so bad by me fortunately. Although, guess who's massive pine tree decided to go for the power lines. But at least the rickety tree that is almost dead is just fine. Could be worse though. Let's just say a few places here aren't exactly pretty. If you live by the Sewage Treatment Plant that flooded, I feel very bad for you. Just figured I'd say that I'll be able to check back regularly again. Unless another tree wants to fall. I'll probably start another project soon, Since I feel that the best way to improve, Is to make more music. Seems logical anyway. Well, At least to me. Only issue is, I'm not sure what to do. I know I want to do a more focused track, and spend more time on it, But I can't decide what to do it of. I want to try and have a bit a variety, So I'm not to sure I want to do another Sonic one. Maybe I'll do a Castlevania or Metroid song. Might even give a Gradius track a try. I'll figure it out somehow. I guess that's enough senseless rambling for now. Until next time... That's a bit obvious isn't it? Of course the next time you would be able to read anything from me is the next time... I... Yeah... I-I'm just going to go now. Quote
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