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OCR02567 - *YES* Metroid Prime 'Relics of an Ancient Race'

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  • 3 weeks later...

The production is really slick and the groove is really cool. The problem is that the original is really not super relevant to the track. You've slowed it down from the original, and honestly the chords and melody are sluggish and out of place at this tempo. The track would probably be better if you subbed out the original song for some original harmonic and melodic material that you wrote yourself and that fits better to the pace of the track. As it is, the chord progression is plodding and the melody is pretty forgettable in this context.



I was really feeling this, and actually think the slowed down tempo works well with the undulating bassline. The lead writing and tempo give me an In Flames vibe, but with a different soundscape. The arrangement is solid, the different sections sound good, and the pacing is just right. I think the ending is a little weak, but the rest more than makes up for it.

I think this would be a good addition to the site.



Did not find the production as slick as you guys. Certainly a lot of cool tricks, but I think the writing (which was very good) outstripped the production overall. The strings and leads should have been brought up more, especially so that moments like 2:30 have more impact. Some of the drum sounds aren't high quality (but are produced well). No dealbreakers, but it contributes to the vote.

Source usage was low as well. Not gonna say this is 100% accurate as there were a lot of melody modifications and faded out riffs:











120/310 = 39%

Overall, it seems like this is problematic in too many ways, as much as I like it.

NO (resubmit)

Edit: vote updated


Pretty on the fence with this one myself. I can see what all the gentlemen are saying: the chords to feel a bit dragged out over time, but it has appeal in certain sections. Production for me was fine, but I can acknowledge what Vinnie is saying as well. I'd say for me it comes just above the bar in terms of source usage because of how it's spread out among the entire mix. It's certainly overall very close, and I can see this going either way. Good luck.

YES (borderline)


To any judges who are borderline on source usage, I'm also hearing source usage from this iteration of the track (for example, the drone in the intro of the remix seems to be referencing it.)

Additionally, I'd also count :32 - :38 as a reference to 2:17 from the source originally linked in the OP... I think you missed that one Vinnie. Even if you don't count the intro drone or the chords, that's going to add the following timestamps to the source usage:

:32 - :38 [6 sec]

1:37 - 1:58 [21 sec]

2:15 - 2:20 [5 sec]

4:22 - 4:40 [18 sec]

Which puts it over the 50% mark for me, without even counting any non-melodic source usage. I can sign off on the original being plenty present in the mix.

Source issues notwithstanding, I loved this. I've been waiting for a highly expansive, interpretive take on Chozo Ruins for a long time that still retains the iconic Metroid Prime sound, and you nailed it. You make the most of the limited melodic material in the very-atmospheric source track, and imbue it with direction and a more deliberate purpose.

I strongly disagree with the judges that have said this is too plodding; in fact, I find it to be very driven and climactic, particularly thanks to the dynamic drum writing throughout the track. I feel like the percussion is very well-produced, well-written, and full of surprises throughout, and one of the strongest elements of this remix.

Vinnie is right about the leads needing to come up during certain parts. Truthfully, I found the tapestop transitions to be the only painful part of the remix. I don't feel like those were executed very well, and 2:30 particularly could have been executed much better. Minor quibble, but that's really the only part about this mix that didn't quite click with me.

I'm much less reserved than most of the other judges here, I really hope to see this on the site soon. Good luck! :-)



OK I do hear the source I was missing now, although I wouldn't count as much of it as you did, Emu. It varies a little and I wouldn't even fault judges for not counting it since it's so slowed down (though I have used that trick in a remix myself). More importantly, I was missing Chozo Ruin Depths drone usage, which adds a fair amount more source. Though I haven't timestamped it, I feel that the source usage is dominant now.

So is the production enough of a problem that this shouldn't pass? Probably not. The stellar writing and arrangement really does make up for a lot of the production shortcomings. I would love to see Argle take another pass at it, but as is, it squeaks by.

YES (borderline)

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