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*NO* Final Fantasy 7 'Fighting Over Rotten Pizza'

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David Burch


Remix Info:

Final Fantasy VII

Compilation of the main fight song and Under the Rotting Pizza Remix name: Fighting Over Rotten Pizza

This is technically the first remix I've ever attempted, though it's my second submission to OC. I played around with remixing about a year ago, but didn't have a keyboard or very good sequencing software so the results weren't too great. Since then I've purchased FL Studio 5 and a keyboard, and really got into remixing about a month ago. I really wanted to fix this mix and make it something I could be proud of, since I thought the idea behind it was pretty solid.

Basically, this is a combination of the main fighting theme from FF7 and the song Under the Rotting Pizza (thus the name, Fighting Over Rotten Pizza). I'm not really sure what genre to characterize this as...at times it's Drum and Bass, other times it feels more like rock, and there are even some sections that are more dance than anything. The song goes back and forth between both themes, blending the different sections of each together to create a completely new song.

I hope you like it...I've really put a lot of time and effort into this one, and feel it represents the best of what I have to offer at this early stage of my mixing career...er...hobby.



Link to mix:

(ps - the link is to the song on my soundclick account. If you have trouble downloading it, I can send the song as an attatchment)


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Source: http://www.zophar.net/psf/FF7_psf.rar - 110 Fighting - 114 Underneath the Rotting Pizza

It's a nice mix of the two themes, hearing them together like this makes one realise just how similar they are.

You've done an all right job with the arrangement here, much better than your last submission. My major problem here is with the drums. They're very basic right the way through, not really offering any creative beats that keep the listener wanting more, but rather wanting less. The synths in the mix are very dry, could use some better mastering. You can ask for help with synth techniques and such from people in the ReMixing forum. Zircon in particular has been posting some very helpful topics lately in regards to the basics of developing some good sounds.

The majority of the mix just seems to be lacking energy. I'm expecting something extra to jump out and start wowing me beyond your piano sections, but the drums just keep plodding away and we get repeats of the same ideas used earlier in the mix. The 1:50 section is nice.

If you're serious about mixing, you'll want to get yourself some better soundsets rather than just using the free ones found around the net. While it is possible to get onto OCR with entirely free soundfonts, your mixing style sounds like it would coincide well with some proper VST's to give you a boost in the drumming and synth quality departments.

A much better attempt, just still not quite up to the OCR quality level. Keep up the efforts.



Yeah, the sounds here are so basic and underutilized that this just isn't interesting for a whole 4:45. Percussion is really boring, nothing but plain pattern kicks and crud dragging the whole thing down, and areas like 1:03-1:22 were a cluttered mess.

Swanky progression from 1:49-2:06 with the subtle string work in back. That was like a brief shining light amidst the blandness, blandness brought back by those tacky cymbal shots at 2:15 (always a bad idea).

Some piano stylings at 3:00 were a welcome change of paced, but didn't create a good texture with the crappy supporting instrumentation ideas. Not a bad idea with the synth at 3:31, but the writing was mediocre. Still some promise there. But again, a glimmer of interest among an otherwise boring arrangement.

Man, you gotta trim the fat, baybeh. Keep working to improve yourself at the ReMixing & Works forums as you have some promise. If you're diligent, you'll listen to this in a year and understand why it's so lacking.


  • 2 weeks later...

This reminds me of early 90s Yuzo Koshiro. I really enjoyed the piano sections. They really added to the groove here. Unfortunately, looking at the big picture of the mix, to me it's too sparse and basic sounding. The percussion seems to repeat and repeat.

I too also really enjoyed the 1:49-2:06 section with the string pads and harp.

I'd like to hear this with a more evolved concept and direction, some more supplementary instruments to go along with the beats and bass, and finally the drums really need more attention (they feel like they keep repeating the same thing without any kind of change). Yes I know a lot dance and electronica music is like this, but there are ways of spicing things up. Adding some fx, reverses, something will help break the monotony.

Above average work. Keep practicing and trying. NO

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