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This is the first remix I'm submitting to this site, a remix from the Run.umx tune from Unreal Tournament.

Now some info about me:

ReMixer name: Mimo

Real name: Tim Kok

Email Address: FuryMus@gmail.com

Website: -

userid: -

Creditcard number: Better not tell ;)

ReMix info:

Name of game: Unreal Tournament

Name of individual song: Run

Additional information: -

Original Soundtrack: http://www.modarchive.com/cgi-bin/download.cgi/R/run.it

Own comments: Liked the original song so I wanted to give remixing a try. Not an expert game remixer but I've got 3 years of experience making my own music.


The remix starts off pretty much identical to the original in the arrangement front. Everything builds up the same, I'm struggling to hear anything majorly different right the way through. From what I can hear, the synth that you have playing the rhythm of the piece is just mucking the melody up, rather than playing it clearly.

The sound you have hear is nice, but it's pretty much identical to the source. I wouldn't go so far as saying midi rip as you've added a couple of extra things and changes some things around, but it's close enough to the original that it's against our guidelines to allow such a piece onto the site.

I'll let someone else through a N.O. on this if they feel it warrants it.



http://www.modarchive.com/cgi-bin/download.cgi/R/run.it - "Run"

Thanks for providing a link to the source. But yeah, unfortunately, this isn't the first Unreal series submission to stick way too close to the structure and progressions of the original and it won't be the last. This needs more personalized ideas. We go for rearrangements here, so you need to introduce more ideas to play around with the melodic content.

On the sound quality front, the production was decent, though too trebly and lacking some depth in the mid-range. The foreground sounds were fairly annoying/grating, and I noticed some piercing frequencies in the low mid-range. The percussion in the first minute was pretty basic; sounded rather defaulty. Synth design wasn't getting the job done; I'd like to hear these sounds used to their fullest.

The energy was brought down at 2:45 for at least some contrast, though overall the piece didn't seem to have too much direction. Stays very BGMish much like the original; it actually deemphasizes the original's melodic content. Unfortunately not engaging or complex enough to warrant 5:34. Use the ReMixing forum to learn how to step up your sound quality and use the Works forum for more feedback before you submit in the future.


  • 2 weeks later...

There's very little arrangement ideas going on here in my opinion. It feels like an upgrade/try your hand at copying the original. I'm not saying it's a copy, but there needs to be more compositional evolution over the original. Personalize the mix, as Liontamer pointed out.

I also felt this was very repetitive, the driving beat and bass and patterns were way too repetitive. Sometimes it felt like listening to a few bars, comprised minutes and minutes at a time, ever repeating with some modifications coming in with new synths here and there, then moving back into the repetitive groove. I'm not saying it's bad, but for a mix this long, my interest was starting to decrease.

The production generally is ok. Nothing wrong here, but nothing that stands out either. Better effects processing and mixing would go a long way in spicing this up.

This needs more evolution in my view. You have a lot of good ideas and understanding of fundamental concepts here. Your integration of the disparate pieces of instruments/synths/composition was all put together well. But now you need to focus on the meat of the mix, the polish and execution of it.


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