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*NO* Legacy of the Wizard 'Xemns Lair'


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Contact Info

Remixer name: DJ E-Concerto

Real name: DJ

E-Mail address: djeconcerto@gmail.com

Website: http://www.e-concerto.net

UserID: ?

Remix Info

Game: Legacy of the Wizard

Song: Dungeon 3 (Xemn's Theme)

Additional: NES

Original song:


Song file:

Comments: Rave mix with a lot of synth. Vocals done by me (modified of course). Hope you enjoy!


~DJ Econcerto

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http://www.zophar.net/nsf/dslayer4.zip - Track 2

Part of the track could use more sharpness with some higher frequencies, as it sounded a bit dull. Particularly noticeable on the synth strings first used at :13 that were playing the source melody. Synth design is nothing but plain, and needs something to stand out as unique.

Man those vocals (:32-:51) were incredibly tacky. The whole thing after :52 was just this merely mildly energetic generitechno with a gated synth handling the melody. Ah man, vocals were reused from 2:04-2:22. Bad beginner-ish decay on the cymbal shot used to close the track out at 3:28. Just plain-sounding and un-innovative. Just sounds like you need the nerve to try and expand your horizons and more experience under your belt.


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This is one of my favorite NES themes ever. It's good to see people trying to mix material from this brilliant game.

Liontamer's complaints stem from one issue, it's because the mix is overprocessed. This is a perfect example of using too much reverb and delay. The quality of the samples suffers from overprocessing whether they be compression, reverb, delay, eq - certainly to lesser degrees with more and more expensive processing hardware/software. To be honest, the quality of the processing isn't too good either. It sounds like cheap reverb. There are good free reverbs available for PC - like Ambience to name a few.

The arrangement itself is too straight forward. It's a basic genre translation with a few ideas expanded on. I'd like to hear more expansion made in the structure. But ultimately, this sounds like you just need to get more experience. Keep at it, this was a fun effort, but sadly not really up to the bar at this point. Keep working at it and improve yourself, I'd like to hear more material mixed from this game.

NO though.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Fake piano, bad bass-synth, bad vocal sample, bad reverbed beats. Then from 0:55 it gets seemingly better (in the context set by the first 55 seconds.) The bass seems lacking, but that's probably just because my headphones suck at emulating bass.

The trancey-synths you used in the main sections were the only nice part of this mix to be perfectly honest, and it's not enough to save the mix. Everything else has such a basic and fake sound to it. You really need to work on the drumwork to make it sound more fitting to a techno/dance style song like this, the samples are so small in the mix, they're hidden away behind the synths, bring them out of hiding.


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