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Yep, StarFox SNES was released on February 21, 1993 in Japan, and we're now in 2013 !

I'm mostly a lurker on these forums, but I'm posting that because that's a pretty big event that nobody really talks about around the net ! That and I'm a big starfox fan :)

And I'm wondering if Nintendo will do anything about it. Even though they don't give Starfox all that much love.

Personally, to celebrate I'm going to play the crap out of the first game :)


That is TWENTY YEARS ago? Wow, I still remember getting and playing that game right after release...

And those graphics were radical!

I knew I'm a grown man, bit it's facts like this that make me feel old... ;-(

The music to the first stage "Corneria" is still one of my favorite tunes.


Oh, yeah. I guess that is coming up.

Welp, time to bust out my copy of Starfox 64 and marathon mode it for a bit.

Hey, you can't just play sf64 ! You gotta try the first game, and clear all 3 routes ! Sector Z and and Fortuna are guaranteed to give you nightmares though :P

Cool! Although, wow, I feel old now :/

That is TWENTY YEARS ago? Wow, I still remember getting and playing that game right after release...

And those graphics were radical!

I knew I'm a grown man, bit it's facts like this that make me feel old... ;-(

The music to the first stage "Corneria" is still one of my favorite tunes.

Yeah, that's quite an odd feeling.. Its just like when kids only a few years younger than you begin to call you "sir" or "mister"... I was just like 16 or 17 when that first happened and it scared the crap out of me, lol.

I remember getting the game from my parrents in 1994 or 1995, we just had our SNES with DKC ! I think I was about 6 or 7. And I had never heard of this game before I got it. I don't think I realized just how much of a big deal that game was ! I mean with the 3D and all. I don't remember being really surprised for some reasons ..

It might have been because of Reboot, which just had begun airing. Since the entire show was in 3D more advanced than what was possible with the SNES.

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