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The beginning leadin wind-like sound is a bit bass heavy. The bells are somewhat bleeding into each other without much of a tonal clarity---I can't really tell what notes they're playing.

The kick is extremely weak. It's all click and no thwap. Spend some more time layering kicks here, and it could sound a whole lot better. The snare is also weak. Not really any low-end punchiness, and, although not necessary, not even any high end sizzle; just some mid-heavy 808-909-type timbre. It's also sounding rather distant and quiet. Whatever's going on with the compression on the mastering, it's mutilating the kick and snare.

Bass timbre is fine, maybe a bit loud. Piano is good, maybe a bit dry. Missing some slight delay, possibly some ambience.

2:51 - lead is compressed for no apparent reason. Sidechaining everything, or having the song sound like it's happening that way, is quite tiring on the ears. Get the structure varied a lot more. Change things up more drastically more often.

Sadly, I can skip through more than half the song and not miss anything.

It's got potential with the sound design, but it needs an overhaul on the arrangement.


Some points to consider:

- the noise lead in wasn't necessary before the e-piano. If this was live, you'd think the beat would get people hopping up and down afterwards but they would be let down by that single E-piano chord.

- Love some of the bass square-ish sounds. They could use some fattening. Maybe adjust some mid his and mid lows. Also have some of the "portemento'd" parts cranked up a bit.

- Your melodies and saw chords are excellent! They're very catchy and go well with the e-piano.

- Some of the side chaining is a bit overdone as it drowns out everything except the kick drum.

- based on a Youtube comment, you have a lot of work to do mastering-wise.


Thankyou on the wonderful feed back!

As always, I will not respond to remarks on the composition since it's opinion, but I will try my best to respond (or agree) to the mixing queries from not only this thread and other sources.

One soundcloud person said it should be louder... for softer songs, I don't make too loud and will not make the song louder.

Another said the bass line feels to center-ish... I agree, I should have widened it a little.



The kick is fine, it's not meant to be a low/mid-end heavy kick like other electro tracks, but I did boost the 100hz, a little sweet spot I found for PA's for kicks.

hmm, there is no snare in this song, not sure what you mean. (funny you mentioned high end, a friend on aim told me there is too much high end on some sounds and most of my other song.)

Piano has verb but little decay, I don't like pianos with a lot of decay, makes it sound odd to me, but I hear what you mean.

I just used a limiter and EQ'ed the Master and no compression at all. No intentions of making the track thick/big

The lead at 2:51 has no compression, it just does not have as much verb as the other tracks giving it the feel like it is compressed, but if the other tracks where not verbed, I prob would compress it because the lead sounds weak, tho the track is not intended to be a fat track like my other tracks.



What sqaure-ish bass? I did some re-Eqing to one of the Bass lines on the lowend for my new version, not a whole lot of difference though.

Im not sure what he meant by mastering issue, I would however like for him to elaborate more on his view to see what I would do.

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