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This is a stupid simplification. The definition of noise tends to vary, but the idea that "noise" is synonymous with "sound" is one that only makes sense if you don't really know anything about any of the many contexts in which the word noise would be used.

The usage of the word as I used it implies two connotations. One of the denotative definitions of noise is sound (so yes they are in fact synonymous). But the other was to imply that despite how we order the tones we produce in music, technically none of this is sensible in the outside world. Music isn't this objective force found in nature, comprehension and recognition of it (as with all other sound) only arises through a mind. It doesn't really matter what we call it, the things that exist out-there-in-the-world only make sense once processed by the brain then consciously recognized by our "mind." So yeah for all intense and purposes all sounds at some basic level are just noise, in the sense that noise can be used as a synonym and in that all sounds capable of being produced cannot be ordered, comprehended, recognized, or appreciated until a mind processes it.


Ok guys I didn't start the thread to have a debate on what counts as music and noise. I appreciate the conversation on both sides, but I feel like it's starting to diverge into a bad place.

For the sake of it, Bleck it's obvious you're not a huge fan, and I can respect that and understand why. I feel like even if you hear the rest of the soundtrack you probably won't be impressed due to bad first-impressions. I'd rather not waste anybody's arguing into a flame war, so can we agree to disagree? :)

Back on topic, my current favorite is the Hunter Theme, but Remember Us is probably the best melodic piece on the album in my opinion.

For the sake of it, Bleck it's obvious you're not a huge fan, and I can respect that and understand why. I feel like even if you hear the rest of the soundtrack you probably won't be impressed due to bad first-impressions. I'd rather not waste anybody's arguing into a flame war, so can we agree to disagree? :)

I admit, a lot of the other stuff I've been listening to is a lot more appreciable. I shouldn't have assumed based on what little I'd heard in trailers.

Is anyone here actually playing the game and hearing the context of the music?

The game isn't very good. :tomatoface:


I think one thing to remember is that the previous Devil May Cry series basically did the same thing that the new game has done, which is creating atmosphere for demonic visuals. Though in the previous games there were moments of more of a classical gothic sort of take on the music, most of it stayed within the context of a rave styled electronic driven sound. The 3rd game and prequel would probably be the best example of this. Mind you I'm not the biggest fan of dubstep (nor DMC for that matter) at all, but I don't hate it. I just believe that it is a baby step into another direction of synth design and that its also a technique that can be used for much greater, and even there I think sometimes we mistake certain music for dubstep when its actually something quite a bit different.

For reference: here is dubstep played on piano. Clearly not compositionally flawed.

Do keep in mind though that melody isn't what makes people recognize dubstep nor is it the driver. Its the extreme use of FM synthesis techniques in the bass which is usually a drone note or uses one note as a constant reference point every 3 or 4 bars though there are some exceptions, and usually its in 4/4 with the drums at 70 bpm. The piano cannot possibly emulate those noises (notice how the pianist in the video completely ignored the FM wobble bass bits and even added some embelishments), and is an instrument that ultimately emphasizes the melodic and harmonic textures of the material. So for example: If someone took the most cacophonous song (one that isn't just the noises of the atmosphere mind you) from a Silent Hill game, and exploited the tones or notes involved using the piano, at the most consonant it would probably sound something like Scriabin, and at the most dissonant early schoenberg.

The only thing that I do disagree with is that its avant gard genius. I wouldn't go as far as to say that, mainly because electro house has been doing this for quite some time, and so has some of the more aggressive drum and bass scene. Actually if you look at the most popular dubstep out today, its closer to being half time heavy electro house than it is to the original dubstep of the early 2000s which was a blend between dub reggae and 2 step garage.

This is a stupid simplification. The definition of noise tends to vary, but the idea that "noise" is synonymous with "sound" is one that only makes sense if you don't really know anything about any of the many contexts in which the word noise would be used.

Though I do understand your intentions, convictions and frustrations, being overbearing isn't going to do anything but cause people to be ambivalent towards your point. Its best to be understanding of both sides before you come to the conclusion, this isn't life and death.


I don't really care too much about the music for this new DmC but I think it fits the visuals of the game.

Music aside I can't for the life of me understand why this game has such braindead bosses even on Dante Must Die mode.

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