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Ocarina of Time "Zelda's Lullaby" Acoustic/Vocal Remix

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Source? You know it. If you don't, uh, you missed out.

I wrote this remix when my main rig was down and I couldn't record anything. When I had access to my compy again, I recorded it right away. I asked Tuberz McGee if he'd be up for playing the ocarina, he sent me that little ditty. Good times all around.

Lemme know what ya'll think. I may be looking to sub this if it's not deemed to conservative.


I'm really enjoying the simple, but elegant treatment of the source.

If you're looking to sub, I think the vocals could use a bit of polish. The primary issue, as timaeus said, is that it's a bit strained. They're a bit on the nasal side, which may bother some more than others. There are a couple of pitch issues and some awkward annunciations, too.

Great concept, looking forward to see where this goes.

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