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Matt Hackett





Memories Adrift

Secret of Mana

The... Fortress. Flying Fortress?

Popped in my head one day so I scrambled to my PC to get it out of my head and into my harddrive. This marks probably the first time I've ever made a remix sound the way I wanted it to. Was going for a chillout beatfest type thing. Made with Reason rewired into Cubase.


http://snesmusic.org/spcsets/sd2.rsn - "Give Love Its Rightful Time" (sd2-34.spc)

Intro synth had a somewhat creepy feel, while the piano sounded mechanical but had that downplayed with some effective reverb and delay. Some very basic and rigid-sounding beats came in at :45 and the way you timed the hat pattern made it sound off every time it loops, due to the intensity being the same on every hit.

The drums meanwhile sounded too basic, as well as dry and out of place contrasted with the airy piano. I was glad when they exited at 1:40 to make way for a quieter section. The synth bassline coming in at 2:01 didn't really fit the texture here either in my opinion.

Drums and hats returned at 2:37 sounding lo-fi for some reason. The patterns were really repetitive and boring and could use variation to spice it up, not to mention more attention made to make the performance sound human. With the foundations of the track sequenced so rigidly, there's no feeling here and it just drags down the other elements.

Synth crept in at 3:01 with some original writing heading toward the finish. I didn't feel the sound choice there fit the track either. Weird overall, considering you felt this came out the way you wanted it to, as I really didn't think the sounds created a smooth flow or pleasing texture.

Arrangement was pretty simple and didn't really explore the source material beyond slowing it down and appyling some ethereal effects. As such, it felt melodically underdeveloped and could use more ideas. Applying more complexity and creativity to your supporting instrumentation will only help you.

This isn't terrible, Matt, but needs a ton of work. I'd work on this futher not even to try and get it passed here, but to push yourself into realizing more of your concept's potential. Keep improving, bro.


  • 2 weeks later...

i enjoyed this mix untill about :50. the intro was moody. the drums are bare and unquantized. the groove is sparse as well. after this point there's lots of repetition and lots of emptiness. the whole mix is sparse. fill in the spaces, clean up the drums.


  • 3 weeks later...

very plain intro. There are better ways to introduce an ambient sound. The piano sounded all right when it came in, but it kept the reverb after the drums came in which sounded odd.

The drums themselves sound like they're played manually, rather than programmed which is giving the jerky, randomly-out-of-time rhythm. Fix that with auto-snap or something please. The mix doesn't really change out of that basic ambient style even when the drums come in, keeping the piano and synth going.

Biggest problem here? Simplicity, there are only two or three things going on at any one time, and they're usually not interesting enough to enjoy. If you want an example of simplicity at it's best, take a listen to zyko's "Of Transformants And Brevity." Need to stimulate the listener.

The drumgroove you introduced halfway in the piece was pretty decent, but nothing really builds up around it, except for a really dry and jerky synth. Needs a lot more work before it would be acceptable


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