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*NO* Jazz Jackrabbit 2 'Transcendental Paradox' *RESUB*


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Username: timaeus222

Name: (if approved, then display my name as "Timaeus")


ID: 39971

Submission Information

Game: Jazz Jackrabbit

Remix Title: Transcendental Paradox

Console/Platform: PC

No direct link to the specific original song; YouTube mirrors can be viewed instead:

Composed in FL Studio.

Link: (160 kbps was the minimum required for greatest quality in this case)

Comments: "This remix took quite a while to craft. I ended up having to create my own Zebra2 and Massive patches, creating my own reverb, and definitely watching the dynamics. I'm quite proud of what came out of this, so I hope you enjoy it!

- Timaeus




Jazz Jackrabbit 2 - Hell Freezes Over"

Extra Info: This is a major revision from a previous submission. Lots of compression issues, excess reverb, odd balance, static soundscapes, and percussion repetition were fixed.

Signed, Timaeus222

Edited by Liontamer
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  • 2 weeks later...

Some cool energy here in the bass. Sometimes however this gets in the way of the melody. I'm finding the melody extremely unmemorable and this may be in part because the bass is pretty consistently stepping on the toes of the lead. Could be the writing, or the sound design.

The pads, while they add atmosphere, they create a lot of wash and take away the mix's focus.

Harmonically what's going on at 1:21? It sounds like either the chord held too long, or is wrong, or the lead was just noodling a bit too much.

Some cool elements, but you need to address the sonic clarity and focus of the track.


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  • 2 months later...

This had a MOD-like quality reminiscent of the original soundtrack. In a way, it's cool to reference that nostalgia, but ultimately I felt your track was underproduced and sparse. The drums were weak, and the instruments were on the plain side, though there were sections where your care with detail was apparent. Another issue was that there wasn't much dynamic range between sections; e.g. 3:07 sounds like it should be a more dramatic moment, but the song doesn't get any more full or energetic. Some good ideas, but I don't think this is ready for primetime just yet.

NO (resubmit)

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Wow, pretty loud. Too loud. Right at :23, I liked the glassy leads, and the textures seemed interesting, but I was definitely hearing that emptiness Palp was referring to, especially in the chorus at :37; there's a lot of volume there, but you still have emptiness in the background, and a different type of padding after the verse would have served you well.

I also felt while you had some cool sounds with some basic delay effects present, the leads sounded too plain and dry, and the sequencing/timing was noticeably rigid, limiting how expressive the composition sounded. I know the lead timing's not meant to sound humanized like a live show, but there's a lot of writing that sounds like an overly tight keyboard performance. :lol:

In short, 1) too loud, 2) too mechanical, 3) too dry, 4) make the textures richer. Personally, I loved the source tune, and I thought your arrangement concept was solid. Right now the production really undermines the arrangement and dynamics. There's some potential, but it needs a lot of fine tuning. Right now, it sounds like a strong compositional sketch with some basic effects in there; so it's not n00b, but it doesn't have much polish to complement the arrangement. Don't be discouraged. :-)

NO (resubmit)

Edited by Liontamer
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