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Remixer Name: Keptil

Real Name: Zachary Hogarth


User ID: 34475

Game Arranged: Metal Gear (MSX2 Version)

Title of Arrangement: Club Infiltration

Song arranged: Red Alert (AKA "Detected")

Apologies about the slightly large size. I do not have access to the project file at this time as my USB drives are packed until next year.

I waited a while before submitting this because I did get a bit discouraged when two other arrangements were previously turned down. A strong positive reaction from various places online made me decide to submit this and give it a shot again.

It was made in LMMS (Linux MultiMedia Studio), within a week of having a chance to play the original Metal Gear game on the MSX2.


Edited by Liontamer
closed decision

Intro synth could sound a lot better if it were a little less wet, or had more high-frequencies. It then gets buried by the drums. The drums are too loud. If you want them to cut, then sidechain.

Mixing aside, the arrangement is way too sparse. There's no energy or personality to the writing. Take it to the workshop and see where you can get with it.


  • 3 months later...

This is a fun theme to take on, and there are some things that are pretty good in your approach here. I like that you start with some synths and ideas that add a lot of anxiety to the track. The short synths and ideas do a good job of that. What I notice even as early as about a minute in is that there's a lot of repetitive parts here, and I feel like ideas stay well past their welcome. If you were to trim down on the repetitiveness by about 2-3 minutes you will be presenting new ideas at a pace that I think won't be too forced and will hold interest better.

The synths overall are kinda weak overall, and I felt like there was a lot of empty space in the mix. I think adding some pads as well as some other parts will help fill out the soundscape and give you more to work with. Having more than just drums, bass, and melody will add another layer of interest to the mix. I also agree with Vig in terms of the drum volume, turning that down a touch will help the other parts cut through a little better.

I definitely think you can work with what you've got and get a pretty good arrangement here, but I'd definitely suggest using the WIP forums (another Jesse suggestion!) and get some solid feedback overtime to improve this. Good luck!



Normally I don't have such a brief vote, but Vig and Deia really elaborated all of the core issues. I'm just co-signing at this point.

Mixing aside, the arrangement is way too sparse. There's no energy or personality to the writing.
The short synths and ideas do a good job of that. What I notice even as early as about a minute in is that there's a lot of repetitive parts here, and I feel like ideas stay well past their welcome.

Yeah, the synths were bland & flat and the textures were too sparse, and there wasn't enough substance to justify this length. The beats had some good beef to them though.

Unfortunately, this wasn't close to being a pass, BUT you should actually stick around and improve your overall skills via the Workshop forums and soliciting more advice.


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