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*NO* Deadly Towers 'Palace of the Bells'


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While Deadly Towers probably won’t go down in history as one of the best games of all time, the music itself has come to the forefront of my memory on many occasions. This is most likely due to hearing the games music over and over while trying to pass some of the more difficult levels (well, difficult for me anyway). :)

After some time thinking about it, I finally decided to try my hand at remixing “Castle Hall” which appears early in the game. I originally wanted to do something more on the “dreamy” side, but found very early on that the idea had morphed to something completely different. At the end of the day, my version of the piece ended up being rather upbeat, and hopefully enjoyable none the less.

Thanks for taking the time to listen!


ReMixer Name: Northmusic

UserID Number: 22382

Name: Steve Imbordino


Website: http://www.northsounds.com/

Name of game: Deadly Towers

Platform: NES

I beleive the source piece is called "Castle Hall":

Name of arrangement: "Palace of the Bells":

Thanks again!

Edited by Liontamer
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  • 4 months later...

The piano timing (first heard at :32) sounded really stiff and awkward, which needs to be addressed before we could post it, IMO. If it didn't sound so rigid and fake, it would be fine.

Yeah, pretty much the same piano lead writing from 1:32-2:16 we heard from :33-1:17, while adding (good) string and bass accompaniment. Good additions, but yeah, it just comes off like a copy-pasta; perhaps a different lead, some flourishes or rhythmic changeups could give you something more substantive, though IMO what's here was still solid enough despite Vig's concerns.

The beat-writing had lots subtle variations, though it was odd that it still felt bland and metronome-ish at times with the constant core pattern. It wasn't a dealbreak or anything, and there are subtle dynamic shifts throughout, but there was an overall feeling of sameyness in the arrangement that Vig pointed out.

Solid stuff so far. While the verses were a bit repetitive, I thought what was there could get by. We'll see if anyone else agrees. That said, the piano forms the core of the arrangement, and the timing needs to sound humanized. Good, creative work so far, Steve, just get it over the hump.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I really like your approach here. It's super fun and has a lot of spirit to it. The first thing I noticed was the stiffness of the lead, and the piano sound overall. I'd say a lot of the sounds could be upgraded to have a little more luster and life to them. Aside from that, I felt like a couple of the sections get a bit repetitious, so I'd look into adding some subtle harmonies or countermelodies to add some more interest to those parts.

Definitely on the right track here, but it needs some clean-up.

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