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*NO* Faxanadu 'Password Theme for Guitar'


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email sub file faxanadu_password_theme_for_guitar_OC_Remix.mp3

Sorry i have no webspace to link from yet so I have it as an attachment. Im working on getting a site set up.


Remixer name: Juhasz

Real name: Michael Juhasz

email address:mjj156@psu.edu

website: none

userid: none

remix info

game: faxanadu

song: password theme

comments: just really love this song and thought it would be very good as a classical guitar interpretation

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http://www.zophar.net/nsf/faxanadu.zip - Track 6

Damn, way too much hiss bro. Considering there's not much else to focus on besides the two guitars (and bass later), the whole thing should be produced well. Perhaps the ReMixing forum can help you learn to reduce that hiss in future recordings. The multitracking was pretty good, BTW. One note felt wonky at :43; perhaps a sour chord, I wouldn't know.

Arrangement was ultra conservative. Instead of simply doing three iterations of the melody, personalize the arrangement more and throw in some of your own ideas to play around with the melody. Listen to the recent material here and compared with the source material to get an idea of what we're talking about. You gotta go beyond (and offer more than) a straightforward cover.


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  • 1 month later...

Hiss on the track is annoying, but I can live with it. Since Larry has super-batman ears, I can only imagine how it must've affected him. Put a dampener on that and you're well on your way.

The mix opened up nicely. I was waiting for the strings to come in and compliment it, but it never happened. This could build into a very nice mix easily. Strumming, strings, maybe even a light beat if you have the means.

The problem is the mix falls down after 1:00. You add too much all at once, it's out of time for most of the rest of the mix, and the playing is quite sloppy, doesn't sound too good together. Some questionable note combinations. the section from about 1:25 was a nice break idea.

So yeah, some nice idea's. Execution needs to be a lot better though. If you can, I'd love to hear this resubmitted once you've fixed it up some more. Give it a proper ending too.


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this is good stuff...i wish i could pass it. I hear the hiss, but it's not a dealbreaker. The way you introduce the countermelodies is also very well done. Unfortunately for the most part, the countermelodies are also straight out of the NSF.

TO is flat out wrong about the performance; it is by no stretch of the imagination "quite sloppy," it is in fact, quite solid. The reason I'm giving this a NO is because the arrangement is straight out of the original, and there's no ending. develop the piece to have your own ideas and it's a yes. hope to hear more.


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