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Xenosaga Original Soundtrack - (214) "Albedo"

Heh. Certainly an interesting original. I liked it. Nice opening with the buzzy noise, lo-fi claps and crud, though the beat coming in at :10 didn't sound as good. Neither did the groaning at :21; it's a genuinely cool idea, but too lo-fi.

Some decidedly naked vocals with white-boy delivery came in at :30. Beyond raising the levels on 'em, you need to do something more with the lyrical delivery to give it more of an edge. Could be as straightforward as doubling the lyrics most of the way through. It gets better with multiple listens, so I'm not shitting on you or anything. These skimpy claps and hats are no longer cutting it as well by :30. You need to layer more shit for the percussion to beef it up, and you should have done that either at :11 or :30.

Some really loud guitar stuff came in at :40 and crowded the soundfield a bit, drowning down the lyrics. Watch the vocal volume at :45. Chorus at :49 was actually pretty fucking cool with the wailing vocals, but those should have stood out more vs. the other elements; needs some more separation and attention to EQing.

Strings from 1:18-1:28 sounded overly defaulty and synthetic. They're not supposed to sound real in this context, but tweak those samples so they don't sound so thin and cookie-cutter, cuz right now they just sound too poorly used.

Lyrical delivery/flow felt smoother at 1:28, not to mention fuller via more extensive doubling (see, there you go), but the beats were still way too sparse and continued to dramatically undermine the energy you were going for. Everything has too lo-fi/dull of a sound as well. With a cleaner overall sound, the power here would sound exceptional.

Some voice sample came in at 2:41 from the close; not a bad sound; neither was the cackle at the very end for the close. Man, if this had better production and some meatier beats, this would be one of the sickest, most unique things anyone's ever heard on OCR.

The arrangement here was pretty damn intelligent and surprisingly comprehensive once I made all the connections to the source material; you were definitely referencing everything from the original at one point or another. Keep working on it Vaughn, and get some serious additional feedback and criticism on how to spruce it up. I feel like zyko would be pretty high on the ideas here, but you'd have to ask him. Impressive so far; I'll be keeping this.

NO (refine/resubmit)


Some decidedly naked vocals with white-boy delivery came in at :30.

You sir, are a racist.

the track sounds pretty intense In a very cool way. Unfortunately it's a bit rough. some clipping. The active frequencies are all midrange...the track could do with more low and Hi.

I think the track is pretty cool, if somewhat underdeveloped. You really ought to smooth out the production and resub.



well this is different.

in agreement with LT and Vig, a good idea that's executed okay. the vocals are convincing about 90% of the time, but the mixing and the beatz are dragging this down.

tighten the screws and resubmit.


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