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OCR02872 - *YES* Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time & A Link to the Past 'Ganonize'

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Posted (edited)

ReMix: Ganonize


ReMixer name: DaMonz

Real name: Emery Monzerol

userid: 31308

ReMixer name: Trainbeat

Real name: Sébastien Dufour

userid: (none)


Name of the games arranged: The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time; The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past

Name of the arrangement: Ganonize

Name of the individual songs arranged: Last Battle; Ganon Battle

Links to originals:

http://youtu.be/qpIn2xMJyv4 (Ocarina of Time)

http://youtu.be/LfISliRCnO0 (Link to the Past)

Comments: Hey judges, it's us again! :D

First off, this is our second track for BadAss vol.2.

Once again, it's been great working together with Sébastien. He provided the guitar tracks swiftly and efficiently (and also gave a nice hand with the mixing), so props to him for all that!

As for the arrangement, this one was hell of a tricky beast to tame. 7/8 time sig feels quite weird, and it was difficult to write most of the stuff that's in there. I think it worked out quite well, and I had particularly lots of fun writing the drum parts. Don't get me wrong though, I had a blast making the whole thing! :D

Oh and by the way, at 2:30-2:48 in my ReMix is a little reference to this track: http://youtu.be/rrjUidAnvDU. I didn't know if it was worth including it in the songs arranged, so I just thought I'd mention it here.

Thanks again for your awesome work, and I hope you enjoy! ^_^


P.S.: if you'd like a source breakdown, please don't hesitate to ask me for it and I'll send it to you asap.


http://youtu.be/qpIn2xMJyv4 (Ocarina of Time)

http://youtu.be/LfISliRCnO0 (Link to the Past)

http://youtu.be/rrjUidAnvDU (Link to the Past) - cameo

Edited by djpretzel

We need a higher encoding, but I imagine we'll have a WAV or FLAC available as part of the BadAss 2 release.

The arrangement's cool, although something about the textures was on the thin side throughout the entire piece. Also, the opening electric guitar sample and the sampled bowed strings ain't foolin' nobody.

Nice job getting so much mileage out of the OoT source, which was a very subdued, low-key choice. It was used very extensively and served as a great foundation to build around with original writing.

Onto the dealbreaker, there's something VERY off about the mixing. Right now, many of the parts seem to share the same frequencies and end up mudding together very indistinctly. Unless that's addressed, I can't pass this, as much as I felt the arrangement worked.

Get the mixing cleaned up with the parts properly seperated, and this would be good to go! Maybe beef up that weak opening guitar too. ;-)

NO (refine/resubmit)


So my problem with the mix is the bass is too loud, the guitars don't cut, and the drums need some compression. There's really nothing going on with high frequencies.

That said, I really like the arrangement a lot. A whole lot. Shit it just keeps getting better. Some of the best drum sequencing I've heard around here. Some of the best guitar playing as well, and the arrangement blends and moves so smoothly. There's such great tension.

Damn. The mixing is whack, but this track has to be on the site.


  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah the mix is one of those strange ones where you can pick it apart if you listen closely but on a passive listen without a reference it's basically fine. It definitely doesn't stop me enjoying what's good about the track.

Very inventive arrangement though, and as Vig pointed out some really great drum sequencing. I'm good with this.


  • 3 weeks later...

Wow, this writing here is crazy. You guys have an awesome handle on how to keep ramping this song up in energy slowly and keeping things interesting. Can't imagine how long you spent on the drum programming. Sometimes ambient song submissions we get struggle to keep the listener's interest, especially songs without a strong lead like this one (although near the end the guitar takes the focus), but here with so much bubbling under, this is very engaging at all times - basically ambient prog! Yes, mixing could have been better but I'm falling in the camp of the YESes. This is so good that I could easily overlook the problems.



Wow, this writing and sequencing is hawt. Really liking some of the backing texture choices to fill things out.

Yeah, mixing could really use some help here. For me, it's not a dealbreaker like Larry, but it would be nice to have a cleaner version.

I'm a big fan of the ganon theme from LTTP (along with the rest of the OST) to the point where I actually chose it for a PRC compo. The time signature is a toughie, but it's very well handled in this mix. Drum writing is fantastic - massive props.

So yeah, assuming this passes, it wouldn't hurt to see if we can get a cleaner mixdown. Overall, though, nice work.


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