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Question about making YouTube videos


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Say you find a cool picture you would like to use in a video as a background to a piece of music. Obviously, I would try to find the author and get their permission before I use it. But what if you can't find the author, or are unable to contact them? What is the proper etiquette for this situation? Should you use it anyway with a disclaimer, or find something else?

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Part of me wants to say put the credits as "???" and put in a disclaimer saying you would change it if the original author comes along and tells you they made it. However, that would mean you'd have to trust the person who said they made it, and you'd also be at risk if the author wanted to report the video for copyright infringement.

I'd much rather say don't use it, and try asking around.

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As Wikipedia says with their policy in editing pages to add pictures:

If you do not know the copyright or the person that owns the picture(s) and you don't know the rights you have to it, don't post it.

So I'd just say you need to find another one.

On the other hand, it's YouTube. It's really not likely you're gonna get busted with a picture if it's not official artwork.

If it's official artwork... hrm...

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