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OCR02903 - *YES* Dark Cloud 2 'A Starlit Temple for Two'


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Game: Dark Cloud 2

Source: Starlight Temple

title: A Starlit Temple for Two

Live instruments: Guitar, Bass, Mandolin, Flute, Tin Whistle, Recorder, Keyboard

For Paragon

I made this for the February 2013 DoD "Paragon Month" and it got 2nd place. It's an all-acoustic mix with live mandolin, flute, and tin whistle along with the usual live stuff. I did some things in the intro with reverb and echo that was really experimental and fun. A lot of feedback and flooding, sudden cutoff, etc. I chose to remix Dark Cloud 2 because of my memories of the game from when I was younger. I got up to the very final dungeon and never finished it, but the journey there was great.

I was actually on a ridiculously long Skype call with a friend while working on this song. It's the only time I did that. I was playing along on acoustic guitar to what I had so far, and when I got to 2:57 the arrangement ended and I spontaneously started playing some ridiculous "heavy acoustic" riff. It was so random and heavy that it made me laugh, but I ended up reproducing the riff exactly as it was for the actual song, and it sounds awesome. The social aspect definitely contributed to that part of the song. I don't think it sounds silly or random for the final song, and wouldn't have had it go any other way.

Been listening to this remix for months and months now, and it's one of my favorites that I still listen to pretty often. I hope you enjoy it!

Edited by djpretzel
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There's some intonation issues I hear occasionally. It's just enough that it's noticeably and a little detracting from the mix, but I don't think it's to the point that it brings it below the bar. Aside from that the mix is well played and has a lot of emotion in it. I'd say the mix gets a touch repetitive as well. Good interpretation as well.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I agree the mix feels like it goes a little long, but overall it's pretty nice. The textures are nice, and I like the new bass part. Some sections were a little overly crowded, which is a bit of a side effect of recording everything live, and the volume is a bit pushed for being such a chill song.

Overall I really enjoy it, and there is a lot of expansion on the theme.


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  • 2 months later...

Oh, it's a Strader remix? NO RESUB ETC. :tomatoface:

Actually, I'm digging the time signature conversion. The instrumentation is full, and I can hear the source throughout for the most part. Nice and clean production, I'm digging it.

I do have a few nitpicks:

1. Slightly unrealistic drums - sometimes multiple parts of the kit are playing at once that might necessitate more than two hands, namely during some of the tom fills that somehow keep the hats going as well.

2. Tuning and sequencing/performing issues on a couple parts, mainly the flutes - there are some spots where a wind instrument is a bit out of tune by a few cents, and of course it's clear that a lot of the wind work is sampled. Kinda fitting, though, I think, what with the source's lead instrument being the sampled flute as well.

In any case, I can hear plenty of source, the production is pristine, and the nitpicks I have aren't enough to really hurt this one.


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Agreed, nice time-sig conversion. I just adore 6/8. Really nice full soundscape, it is full without feeling overly cluttered, nice mixing work there. Great variation of instrumentation, I especially love the flutes and whistles with all their different articulations and sounds. Lovely arrangement. Nice expressive mix!


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