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Ok, so I bought this Crate CMX-52 mixer and this DigiTech guitar MultiEffects pedal.

Obviously, I'll probably tinker around with the pedal and the software it came with and crud, but I wasn't sure how I should go about working with my amplifier. Its one of the trans-tube Peavey amps, but I'm having a bit of trouble identifying it as I'm not at home right now.

Anyway, the guy from whom I bought the CMX-52 from said he runs his mixer straight into his laptop; I was wondering if I should go from my PreAmp Out into the mixer into my PC, or if I should just leave out the amplifier and run from the master out of my mixer into my PC for recording. Also: my soundcard is an onboardcruddyshit VIA thing, which I plan on replacing ASAP.

Thanks in advance,



Yeah, you don't really need the mixer. You could just plug your guitar into the Digitech then go straight into your soundcard. If you're going to use your amp at all, I'd suggest you get this microphone to mic the amp, which will sound WAY better than just using your Digitech as a direct recording device.

mic the amp, which will sound WAY better than just using your Digitech as a direct recording device.

I just got an SM57 a few weeks ago, and I couldn't agree with you more. Even using my dinky, no-name 30-watt practice amp I'm able to get some amazing tone - far better than the cabinet modeling Digitech has to offer. Chances are they've improved it a bit since I got my RP200 a few years ago, but I've never been very impressed with that feature except as another option for changing my sound.


Hopefully you have a good sound card, as things like my SBLive tend to give you rather poor quality when recording. The E-MU 0404 is fairly cost-effective, as for a hundred bucks or so you get two 1/4" channels in, two out, MIDI in/out, some SPDIF junk I don't undersetand, and a couple of RCA jacks whose function I'm not too certain of. The sound quality, however, is rad.

I run my mic into a Behringer UB1204P mixer, after which things get a little assbackward due to my lack of a monitor. The mixer has two "main" XLR outputs, two 1/4" outputs on a separate bus, and then headphone/control room outputs. I take the mic signal (or direct from the Digitech if it's late and I need to be quiet) and run it out the auxiliary bus into my sound card. From there, I send everything BUT that guitar signal back out to the mixer, and get everything mixed (couldn't help it) together for my headphone output.

You could certainly get by without a mic, just running straight into a sound card, but I find having a mixer is infinitely more useful for keeping an eye on everything without being limited to what your computer feels like doing. Plus I love playing with faders, but that's me.


SM57 is quality. we've got a couple of those in the studio, and they work wonders. and i definately agree that if you can, mic the amp. even if you have a super awesome multieffects pedal with cab emulation and everything, it's never gonna stack up against a real amp.

4 years ago when i first got into mixing and shit, i had this shitty 30w bass practice amp that i ran my shitty rogue st-3 guitar through and recorded with a shitty $10 radioshack mic... while there was plenty of noise, the actual tone was far superior to that of the johnson j-station i use now. in fact the only reason i use it now is cuz i really don't have the space to mic my amp in my current setup. when i get down to the studio however, i use a much better mic setup:

guitar -> j-station -> ibanez 100w 2x12 combo amp -> SM57 -> depending on whether i'm alone or with the band, either through a DI box and into the EMU 1820m, or through a mackie 16 channel mixer first

it sounds infinitely better than the j-station alone. however, the j-station is still quite capable for personal recording, as i imagine the rpx400 is as well.

so basically, if you can get away with it you should get a decent sound card (EMU 0404 is a good'n as suggested) and the SM57. run your rpx400 through your peavy and mic it.



Guitar -> pedal -> Amp -> Mic -> Mixer -> Comp (?)

too bad i have one of those cheapo radioshack mics and an onboard soundcard for the time being, however, i'm definately going to get me one of those 0404s like everyone's saying to. I'd LIKE to get a decent mic, but i don't think i'll really have enough money to buy everything I want AND get internets this summer.


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