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[SZRC] Sonic 2 & Lost World - Sonic in the Sky with Buildings


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I haven't posted anything here in a while! This is the track I made for round 2 of SZRC, mixing Metropolis Zone from Sonic 2 and Sky Road Zone 2 from Sonic Lost World. I wanted to make something funky!

Link: https://soundcloud.com/jnwake/sonic-2-sonic-lost-world-sonic

I want to polish the mixing and fix some mistakes (there's a mistimed note near the end :oops:) so I'm interested in your feedback!

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Hm... I think the swung arp at 1:28 is a little bit behind/late in its rhythm, and the drums can be a little more prominent; in particular, the kick and the snare, but more so the kick than the snare.

Everything else is great! Cool synth solo. =) I don't hear the mistimed note. :P

Yeah, I really struggled with the kick sample from the kit I picked. I'll look into that 1:28 thing :razz:

@Nase: The name was Mirby's suggestion so all complaints are forwarded to her :razz:

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