Liontamer Posted March 2, 2014 Posted March 2, 2014 (edited) Hi OCRemix! I'm ChrisColaMusic. My submission is a remix of music from the Legend of Zelda games on Game Boy and Game Boy color. The tracks primarily used are "Mabe Village" from Link's Awakening, "Horon Village" from Oracle of Seasons, and "Lynna Village" from Oracle of Ages. "Mabe Village" is the most prominently featured of the three, I would say. The name of the arrangement is "Get Some Fresh Air." The track is a blend of chip-tune sounds, bouncy rhythms, echoey synths, and some orchestral instruments too. The remix starts with the "House" theme from Link's Awakening with a tinny and claustrophobic filter, then the listener "gets some fresh air" by stepping outside, and the remix starts. Even if my submission doesn't cut it, I hope you enjoy the music! You can reach me at the address used to send this email, -------------------- - "Mabe Village" (Link's Awakening) - "Horon Village" (Oracle of Seasons) - "Lynna Village" (Oracle of Ages) Edited March 21, 2014 by Palpable closed
Liontamer Posted March 2, 2014 Author Posted March 2, 2014 As soon as things picked up at :22, this piece consistently sounded needlessly lossy and muffled for some reason. I'm not sure of the cause, but it defintiely undermines the energy of the piece. I'm not a fan of the panning and the way the soundscape sounded cramped. This almost like certain parts would get pushed down only when other channels triggered. The woodwind soundfont first brought in at 1:23 sounds uber-fake; definitely not feeling it and was glad it bounced at 1:48. The attacks and trills were way too unrealistic and exposed. The fadeout ending was a bit anti-climactic, but otherwise I really enjoyed the creativity and dynamics of the arrangement. There could stand to be a bit more dynamic contrast, as most of the time, things are loud and the chip sounds bordered on shrill sometimes; softening some areas would help. Mainly, I felt it was the mixing and production that needed tightening up. Hopefully some musician Js can point you in the right direction, as this has good potential, Chris. I hope you're willing to revisit this one. NO (resubmit)
Chimpazilla Posted March 16, 2014 Posted March 16, 2014 Interesting intro idea, I like it, although when the mix begins at 0:15, those first few notes feel way too loud by comparison. The intro idea is cool but the execution isn't quite there. I'm not hearing "lossy" per se (maybe it's because of that 8-bit snare and white noise bursts?), but what I do hear is that all the timbres seem to be competing for frequency space, and many of the timbres could use a high-pass to cut out some low frequencies that are conflicting with the bass. With this many similar timbres at once, each one needs to have it's own frequency space, and they can't all have the same volume. The flute synth sounds just a touch too realistic to fit in as a synth, and too fake to be real, and it's lost in that fakey middle ground. That bit of string backing has the same issue, although it is less pronounced since the strings are a backing and not a lead. You've got some unique writing ideas. I love glitchy stuff, but I think it could have been pulled off with a bit more finesse by using it a bit more sparingly and without the panning. I'm not a fan of fadeout endings in general, and I always think it is a better idea to end a track on some resolving chord, at a minimum. NO (resubmit)
OceansAndrew Posted March 20, 2014 Posted March 20, 2014 I like the arrangement idea overall, but I do think the mixing is a bit rough and crowded, and while i thought the string bed was fine in it's role, the flute was not cutting it. I recommend either upgrading the sample, or finding a different instrument. It did feel weird to me that most of the song was chippy, and only for a small period of time was the more 'organic' elements. I'd recommend either going chip for the duration, or add in more other instruments throughout to keep a cohesive sound. Definitely feel that this has promise, but it needs more polish. I hope you revisit it, there were some great ideas in here! No, please resubmit
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