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OCR03109 - *YES* Donkey Kong Country 'Banish' *RESUB*

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Oh man, this track feels new to me each time I hear it. The vibe is so dark and painful. Luckily most of the ear pain has now gone away. Funny, the track almost feels like it NEEDS to still have the ear pain to be complete. But it is definitely easier to listen to without it.



Both issues I had with this are resolved. The source melodies are more obvious, even with that last changed chord still there. Track distortion is at a tolerable level. Like Kristina, I almost think this went too far in toning down the distortion - I kind of want some of the ear pain back! - but the essence of the remix is still there and it's certainly worthy of getting posted for its unique style. Let me be grateful that Brent was willing to make fixes.


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