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*NO* Deus Ex 'Augmented Union'


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this game has such an awesome soundtrack.

ah..this is very similar to the original. In fact, for the most part this could be described as the original, slowed down, with worse instruments, plus drums.

there are some new sections but that really just means some random noodling on the lead over the same groove. Sorry but you need to make some more daring arrangement choices.


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Deus Ex Game of the Year Edition OSV - (04) "UNATCO"

I'm a big fan of "UNATCO" as well, though I've very biased towards "DuClare Chateau" thanks to OverCoat's arrangement of it.

Ha. Goes for a creepier vibe here with some warbly type synths. I liked the lil synths skipping around the stereo field during the intro. Arrangement was conservative but ok.

The boom-tss here really wasn't filling the soundfield out and sounded like a weak dance beat. After about the 1-minute mark all of the various parts you have going on around here seemed to basically be at the same level, making it hard to focus on any one particular element.

Beeping dropped out at 1:55 only to be replaced by some more tame beats. What the hell was going on at 2:41? Doesn't even sound musical, sorry.

Yeah, Vig's right, over time, you're not changing the groove here, just swapping some of the supporting parts while playing the delayed source and recycling this groove. I like the potential here, but you've got to further develop it. It also pays to place a little more emphasis on the melodic arrangement and not bury among this soup of synths.


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Source: http://www.doulifee.com/prc/TheOrichalcon/UNATCO_Music.umx

I know this soundtrack very well, despite never playing the game.

This mix is pretty much a slowed down version of the original. The hats playing over the beats sound too sharp for the very flat soundscape you have going with the rest of the sounds, it eases up when you bring in that beepy-accompaniment, but that actually sounds worse. I don't really see the point in that.

Anyway, there's no real "rearrangement" of the theme going on here. It's just the source slowed down, with beats over it and additive stuff all around it.


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