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Posted (edited)

Your ReMixer name - ellywu2

Your real name- Chris Elliott

Your email address -

Your website - www.ellywu2.com

Name of game(s) arranged - Streets of Rage 2

Link -

Name of arrangement - It's Fine, Learn to Dance

Name of individual song(s) arranged - 'Under Logic'

Hello OCR, long time no see.

A while ago (probably 7 or 8 years - time flies!) I submitted a SoR remix which was, quite frankly, a bit rubbish.

I've had another go - I don't really write much electronic music nowadays, but I hope you enjoy!

Also, a little thanks - it's been 10 years since I registered on this site. It got me into making music above and beyond noodling on the piano. Over the last 2 years I have finally turned (semi) professional, writing (bad) music for television over here in the UK. All thanks to OCR!


Edited by Liontamer
closed decision

For a 3:30.5-long piece, I needed 105.25 seconds of overt source usage.

:01.5-:32, 2:06.5-3:05.25 = 89.25 seconds or 42.4%

Hey Chris, this sounds awesome production-wise, but it sounds light on the source material. That said, the simplified progression of the source melody's is certainly in play for a ton of the track, so that use in context with the rest of the overt theme use is possibly enough to tip others in favor of it. It's just not something I can get behind myself.

Again, I argue if you built an entire track out of sections like, for example, :32-2:04 of this track, there wouldn't be enough of a direct connection for someone to identify the track as an arrangement of "Under Logic". Even the notes of the pattern used from 1:15-1:41, for example, are too different from :15-:30 of the source for me to count.

So I love this piece in a vacuum, Chris, but I'd need more explicit, less simplified usage of "Under Logic" in this piece to pass it.

NO (resubmit)


What a kickin' source! And this is a groovy remix! Fun filtering and effects. Dat bass. :-D

Production is super. Drums are sounding good. The sub bass could use just a teeny cleanup in the lowest end.

Unfortunately Larry is right about the source use. There are large sections which only vaguely reflect the underlying chord progressions of the source, and you've got some supercool noodling on top but no source melody. I don't think it will take much to get this track OCR worthy, as the source has so many little motifs going on, just throw some of those motifs in during the source-less sections (like 0:32-2:06), use a little sine timbre or bell or something that will cut through the mix even with everything that's already there (i.e. please don't remove anything, it's all cool!). Just needs that better source connection.

While you're at it, I'd love just a bit more differentiation between the two samey heavy-sidechained breakdown sections starting at 1:03 and again at 3:06, it wouldn't take too much to give them each just a little different flavor. (this is not a dealbreaker issue, just a thought)

I can't wait to hear what cool things you do with this to add that source.

NO (resubmit soon, plz)


yeah, gotta agree, very good retro-styled production, awesome mix title, and nice source, but not enough of it!

I do think things start sounding a bit copy-pasta'd a bit in sections, and adding more overt source references in the second iteration of sections will solve 2 issues at once!

I think modulating a few synths to have a bit more life would be good. There are a lot of cool filters and things going on, but a few synths feel neglected a bit and stick out because of it.

Overall strong material, just needs more source.

No, please resubmit

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