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*NO* Lotus Turbo Challenge 2 'Lotus TurboSlayer MT'


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http://www.exotica.org.uk/tunes/archive/Authors/Game/Leitch_Barry/Lotus_2.lha - mod.bootup

Yeah, I recognize the source on this one, as Cyborg Jeff arranged this in the past. Plain/simplistic texture. This actually has less texture and energy than the original. Not really much interpretation of the original either. Read the submissions standards and guidelines, please. This is too straightforward and just a boring-as-hell cover.

Well...I suppose that was easy.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Oof.. I can see what Liontamer means. The instrumentation here is very bland. Not that there's anything wrong with less realistic samples but they're not being used in an interesting way here. The drum pattern is especially mundane in both the samples, processing, and rhythm. In fact, the whole thing sounds like it could use some effects processing (reverb, delay, saturation, chorus, what-have-you). Unfortunately the arrangement does not make up for the very lackluster production, as it too is rather simple and dull. I encourage you to spend some time on our ReMixing forums to pick up techniques for adding spice to your productions. As for arrangement, that's up to you to improve. You need to do something besides choosing certain sounds to make the ReMix your own.


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