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*NO* Kirby Super Star 'Dreamland (Celtik Mix)'


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  • 4 weeks later...

This track is LOUD, a veritable wav sausage. It doesn't quite sound smashed to me, it isn't distorting from what I hear, but it is super loud, giving it very little in the way of dynamics, and it gets fatiguing. I think you can ease off the compression some.

I like the instrumentation. I especially like that crunchy bass synth. It competes a bit with the leads, but not too much. With some more breathing room dynamically, it will really shine.

I like the idea of the key modulation at 1:06. Other than this though, the track is suuuuuper conservative. The writing and arrangement are basically the same as the source, although the tempo is slowed down a few clicks. I think the instrument changes make up for it, but just barely. It really needs some more writing personalization, or a breakdown somewhere, just something a bit more unique to break it up. I won't call this a midi-rip, but I have my suspicions.

At 2:15, the song just ends, with zero resolution other than a reverbed kick. Some kind of writing cool-down or proper resolution would really be welcomed.

So, ease off the master compression and add some sort of ending. If you could add a breakdown or original section somewhere, that would REALLY help, but if not, at least hit those other two issues.

NO (resubmit)

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  • 3 weeks later...

The dynamic curve was flatter than a pancake here, which already killed this dead; this is always just loud and thick with no dropoff of the beats or even subtle changes in the energy level. I like high energy, but you need some sort of builds/drops/instrument changes to create contrast, otherwise it's just taxing. [reads Chimpa's vote...] HA! Yeah, we thought the same thing. :lol:

Arrangement-wise, you did personalize the sound here with higher energy and different supporting writing, but once you've gotten to 1:06, you've heard it all (aside from the key change) because you just do another loop.

I like the idea of the key modulation at 1:06. Other than this though' date=' the track is suuuuuper conservative. The writing and arrangement are basically the same as the source, although the tempo is slowed down a few clicks. I think the instrument changes make up for it, but [b']just barely.

I disagree, but mainly because of what I bolded ("just barely"). IMO, the instrumental changes and original writing definitely do not get the job done here on interpretation. There's not really much development or evolution of the ideas here after 60 seconds, which ain't much to begin with, especially given the conservative treatment. 2 short loops of one idea doesn't cut it.

There's also 0 ending here, the track just closes up at 2:10 with no resolution, which was like giving up. C'mon, bro, this is a standalone track; resolve it somehow and do it properly.

Needs more dynamics, more interpretive arrangement ideas, and less untapped potential, Ray. Be more, do more.


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There are some good ideas brewing here but more development is required.

On the production/mixing side, I feel your snare is faint in the mix, and needs more power. You also need to ease up on the compression you have across the track because everything feels too glued together, be it on the individual elements and/or the master bus.

Arrangement wise, there are a couple of things. Firstly, the song is quite samey all the way through, both in the notes you hit and the instruments you use. Some changes would be needed here in order to make this a more original arrangement. I recommend adding a couple of original sections to the mix, perhaps even tearing back some layers and introducing others momentarily.

I also think you need to develop your ending more - I could feel like something was building to a wind up that didn't happen. One technique you could use is drop your drums completely or shift them to half time and interpret the little with some small licks or note variations.

Please have take a look at these suggestions and consider them for a resub.


Edited by Jivemaster
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