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*NO* Silent Hill 'The Birds with No Song'


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Remixer/Band name: Six Shot 7

Email: sssitinith@gmail.com

Website: http://www.myspace.com/sixshot7

Remix Info:

Name of game remixed: Silent Hill

Comments: This is my first submission (yayz), and I've been composing for roughly a year.I think the subject matter needs some explaining; this isn't a remix of an actual song from the game (as far as I'm aware of), rather it's an orchestration based off the solution to the piano puzzle in Midwich school (I hope that justifies it as a remix >..>). Thanks in advance for listening and any feedback you might send my way, I'm always looking for more ways to improve and hearing others thoughts.

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It's not a bad track all things considered. Needs more polish, but a promising track for a first sub as far as the execution.

this isn't a remix of an actual song from the game (as far as I'm aware of), rather it's an orchestration based off the solution to the piano puzzle in Midwich school (I hope that justifies it as a remix >..>).

Hate to be glib, but NO Override. This approach doesn't justify it as a ReMix. A ReMix has to be a video game music arrangement specifically derived from in-game music, not an original piece inspired by a concept from a video game. The Submission Instructions & Standards elaborate on that further. Submit an actual game music arrangement next time.

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nothing here indicates that this piano tune is not original game music. lets try to figure this one out first.

No problem, sorry for interpreting the letter hastily. Checking the original soundtrack from my usual sources, I couldn't find anything like the submission, but I'll hit up Kaleb Grace & CHz and see if they can provide any insight (perhaps along with a source track).

EDIT (6/28): Looked long and hard for this one, but don't have a physical copy of anything just yet. I'll let you know if I come up with anything later. Kaleb confirmed it's indeed from some sort of in-game jingle. What it sounds like, I've got no idea, so I'm just gonna have to stick to judging on quality. For the record, the jingle is "D-A-A#-G-C#", confirmed by CHz. In the future, please provide audio of the source material, so we can compare it to the submission. Some of us "not be havin' da music theory skillz." Onto the actual submission...

Interesting intro, with some decent effects, though the sirens were a bit too loud (and potentially tacky). Still cool for being something different. I'm guessing the arrangement is based off the first few notes at :41. Everything sounds too swamped, though I see what you're going for there in terms of the atmosphere. Could afford to be less buzzy.

Switches to a somewhat rigid-sounding piano at 1:08, along with a woodwind joining in upfront at 1:22. Fairly straightforward at first, but at least decent expansionist of the brief original. Track sounds rather buzzy and loud from around 1:40-2:06.

Nice to see you switch to some different instrumentation ideas at 2:04 for the variation, though everything has way too much reverb and still sounds swamped. Same at 3:05 with another variation, though the stuff from 3:45-4:41 was nothing we didn't hear before for a long while (2:37-3:05), so it simply made the song drag and feel repetitive. After 4:41, it was just some modulation effects or whatever for the eerie-style close; not a bad idea, though it could have been more effective.

You have decent arrangement ideas in place here, but the production drags this way down. The swamped atmosphere covers up the fact that there's actually not too much going on at once in terms of the instrumentation and texture. Need some more knowledgeable comments on what could be done to alleviate the problems here.

As for the arrangement, you've gotten some decent mileage out of the source material via variation, but it still managed to drag, especially thanks to the 3:45-4:41 section. You need to either cut the fat ot continue to provide more variations if you want to prevent an arrangement of a 5-note phrase from wearing thin.

If you cut down on the gross amount of reverb, refine the production, add a bit more depth to the orchestration with some more instruments/elements for the background, and keep the writing well varied, you'd be in much better shape. Good ideas so far, and sorry for reaching a hasty conclusion to your submission based off of the submission letter.

If you have the patience to learn more about ReMixing, you should continue to work on this. Otherwise apply the general points to your next arrangement.


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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm unsure as to whether remixing this sort of thing constitues a ReMix (in the OCR sense of the word). However I will judge it as such.

Just a little too much reverb used here, although I can understand the kind of feel the remixer was going for. Perhaps it was used to fatten out an otherwise thin-textured orchestration? Interesting use of fx in the intro and outro, gave it an atmosphere that was appropriate to the game. Apart from the overuse of reverb, production wasn't bad.

The arrangement was the thing that let this down quite a bit. The melody didn't cut to something else; there wasn't really a change in terms of chord structure at all. For the length, this should have had some more variation to it in terms of melodic content.


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Wow, this is pretty haunting. That intro siren probably dragged on a bit too long, but damn, this is definitely horror-movie type stuff. For what it's worth, when the main piano + wind part came in, I was a little let down. The sound quality prior to that was very good, but the piano sounds somewhat mechanical and low quality. There have gotta be better soundfonts out there. Malcos is right about the reverb, too: even if the samples aren't the best, drowning them in reverb doesn't solve anything. Drop the reverb a LOT. It makes the low string parts very muddy, in particular. The string parts did sound pretty good though, reverb aside, at least compared to the piano.

Ok so.. arrangement. It's really hard to work with such a short melody, if you could even call it that. It's more like a riff or motif. That considered, you did do a good job in expanding on it. However, I think you could have done better overall in terms of arrangement. You don't just have to keep repeating the melody and variations of the melody. You can add your own material. That's what really hurt this one for me. I was waiting to hear some sort of new melody, riff, or progression that never came. Strictly speaking, your interpretation of those five notes was very good, but you gotta do more in a ReMix than just that. There's a bigger musical picture (if that makes sense) that has to be considered.


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